This article is about 5 years old

Coronavirus resources: Get and give help in DC, Maryland and Virginia

Coronavirus has hit the D.C. region hard. Cases and deaths continue to rise. But there are plenty of ways to help your regional neighbors. See how to lend a hand, and get assistance, below.

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Bar/restaurant donations: There is a virtual tip jar for servers and bartenders throughout D.C. This spreadsheet is sorted by business name.

Blood donations:

Children’s National: Accepted at 111 Michigan Ave. NW, Washington, DC.

Red Cross: Accepted at the Dr. Charles Drew Donation Center at 1730 E St. NW Washington, DC. Check the Red Cross website for local sites to give blood.

Child care:

A GoFundMe has been created for Jubilee JumpStart, a child care and parent support program that serves families with low incomes.

Food donations:

Capital Area Food Bank: Nonperishable donations only. 645 Taylor St. NE, Washington, DC. 20017: (202) 526-5344. Monetary donations also accepted. Want to volunteer?

DC Central Kitchen: Located at 425 2nd St. NW.

  • Donate. DC Central Kitchen says a financial donation is the single best way to help their operations running today and in the coming days. Make a donation today.
  • Elevate. Help spread the word about how DCCK and other local organizations are responding to this crisis, including the time and location of feeding sites and specific needs for resources and supplies.
  • Support the restaurant industry. Their restaurant partnerships are integral to their work. Get ideas for how you can support the restaurant community.

Food & Friends: This Northeast D.C. nonprofit delivers meals to those who are at the greatest risk for COVID-19. Check their site for donation options.

We Are Family Senior Outreach Network: We Are Family is a nonprofit that delivers groceries to low-income seniors in the D.C. area. They’re always looking for volunteers. And you can help older neighbors by donating online.

Domestic violence support:

DASH has multiple shelters in place for victims of domestic violence.

DC Safe maintains a domestic violence hotline.

There is also an emergency line designed especially for Latinas. The line provides crisis intervention and immediate resources that are available 24/7.

Hay una línea de emergencia diseñada especialmente para Latinas. La línea provee intervención de crisis y recursos inmediatos que están disponible 24 horas al día 7 días a la semana.

If you require services in Spanish you can call directly at 1-866-962-5048.

Si usted requiere servicios en español puede llamar directamente al 1-866-962-5048.

D.C. police also provide resources.

There is also the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Donate here.

The Salvation Army operates throughout the region to help people. Donate online.

Catholic Charities maintains a list of resources online.

Food pantries:

  • Catholic Charities Center, 12247 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food will be distributed to the first 100 people each day, with each family served once a week. A current ID is required. If diapers are needed (once a month), bring the baby’s birth certificate.
  • Spanish Catholic Center, 1618 Monroe St. NW, Washington D.C. Wednesday, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. This location has a bilingual hotline to help connect those in need with services: 301-453-5560.
  • Southern Maryland Food Bank, 22 Irongate, Waldorf, Md. Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Mobile Food Trucks:

  • Susan Dennison Mona Center St. Maria’s Meals, 5859 Allentown Way, Temple Hills, Md., Tuesday, 5 p.m.
  • James Cardinal Hickey Center St. Maria’s Meals, 924 G Street NW, Washington D.C., Wednesday at 5 p.m.
  • Southern Maryland Food Bank Meals & Hope, rotating locations throughout Charles County, Monday and Wednesday evenings. Call 301-274-0695 for the current schedule and location.

Want to volunteer?

Get domestic violence help.

The United Way of the National Capital Area has also opened initiatives to help those in the region.

It has opened its Emergency Assistance fund to donations here.

The goal is “to promote the health, education and financial stability of our community, especially those residents who have or will be impacted by restrictions and closures of schools, businesses, and community institutions designed to slow the spread of the virus. Emergency Assistance Fund will provide additional capacity to community-based organizations in the region to deliver economic assistance and access to vital food and basic need supplies to the thousands of school-age children who depend on their school’s meal programs and workers in the region who already have and will be impacted by the temporary loss of income.”

They are also offering virtual financial counseling for residents in the District, Prince George’s County, South County and Prince William’s County.


Anne Arundel County

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Anne Arundel Medical Center has a blood donor center.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

The Anne Arundel County Food Bank has been in operation for almost 35 years. Donate here. Volunteer here.

The Maryland Food Bank has locations throughout the state. Find food locations on their website. Donate here. Find locations to donate food here. Volunteer here.

Catholic Charities has a list of programs for relief.

Domestic violence support:

The Annapolis YWCA has a domestic violence hotline and resources.

Anne Arundel Medical Center offers domestic violence support.

The Anne Arundel County Sheriff’s Office has a domestic violence unit.

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence offers support throughout the state.

Calvert County

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

The Calvert County government has a list of food pantries online. It also has a list of resources for residents.

Calvert Churches Community Food Pantry, Inc. continues to operate its food pantry. See donation info.

Catholic Charities has a list of programs for relief.

End Hunger Calvert has a food pantry locator on their website. Those who wish to volunteer can get more information online.

The Maryland Food Bank has locations throughout the state. Find food locations at their website. Donate here. Find locations to donate food here. Volunteer here.

Southern Maryland Food Bank & Outreach Services has a list of Calvert County food pantries. People interested in volunteering can get more information online.

Domestic violence support:

The Calvert County Health Department runs a Crisis Intervention Center with a hotline. It also operates the Safe Harbor shelter. There are also a variety of resources on the county’s website.

The Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy provides support in Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties.

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence offers support throughout the state.

Charles County

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

Catholic Charities has a list of programs for relief.

The Maryland Food Bank has locations throughout the state. Find food locations at their website. Donate here. Find locations to donate food here. Volunteer here.

Southern Maryland Food Bank & Outreach Services has a list of Charles County food pantries. People interested in volunteering can get more information online.

Domestic violence support:

The Center for Abused Persons provides a variety of services, including a 24-hour hotline.

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence offers support throughout the state.

The Charles County Sheriff’s Office also provides services and resources.

The Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy provides support in Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties.

Frederick County

Blood donations:

Frederick American Red Cross: 141 Thomas Johnson Drive, Ste 120, Frederick, Md. Make an appointment.

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

The City of Frederick runs a food bank program. Volunteers are needed.

Frederick Rescue Mission provides food through its Bread of Life Food Ministries. Donations are accepted. Volunteers are welcome.

The Maryland Food Bank has locations throughout the state. Find food locations on their website. Donate here. Find locations to donate food here. Volunteer here.

Domestic violence support:

Heartly House runs a 24-hour hotline.

The Frederick County Sheriff’s Office offers support and services for victims.

Howard County

Blood donations:

Columbia Donation Center: 10400 Little Patuxent Parkway, Ste 400, Columbia, Md. Make an appointment.

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

The Howard County Food Bank is open at varying times during the week. Donate here. Volunteer here.

The Maryland Food Bank has locations throughout the state. Find food locations on their website. Donate here. Find locations to donate food here. Volunteer here.

Domestic violence support:

HopeWorks maintains a shelter and a 24/7 hotline. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Howard County government operates a domestic violence unit.

The Family Service Association maintains a 24-hour hotline.

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence offers support throughout the state.

Montgomery County

Blood donations:

Montgomery County Chapter House: 2020 East West Highway, Silver Spring, Md. Make an appointment.

Rockville Donation Center: 11820 Parklawn Drive, Ste 510, Rockville, Md. Make an appointment.

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

Manna Food Center has operated in Montgomery County since 1983. Ways to get help are listed on their website. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Search for food and services at the Capital Area Food Bank.

The Montgomery County Food Council has a food assistance resource map.

Domestic violence support:

Montgomery County has a domestic violence resource directory online.

The Women’s Center of Montgomery County has a 24/7 hotline.

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence offers support throughout the state.

Prince George’s County

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

Prince George’s County provides residents with a list online of pantries and shelters in their food assistance program.

The Bowie Interfaith Pantry and Emergency Aid Fund provides food assistance to county residents. Donate and volunteer here.

Search for food and services at the Capital Area Food Bank.

Domestic violence support:

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence offers support throughout the state.

Prince George’s County offers resources online, including a resource pamphlet (PDF).

St. Mary’s County

Blood donations:

MedStar St. Mary’s asks that donors check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood.

Food donations:

211 MD has food pantry listings online.

Feed St. Mary’s is a community-supported food bank. Search for pantries on their website. Donate here. Volunteer here.

St. Mary’s County government has a list of food pantries and soup kitchens online (PDF).

Southern Maryland Food Bank & Outreach Services has a list of St. Mary’s County food pantries. People interested in volunteering can get more information online.

The Maryland Food Bank has locations throughout the state. Find food locations on their website. Donate here. Find locations to donate food here. Volunteer here.

Domestic violence support:

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence offers support throughout the state.

MedStar St. Mary’s has a domestic violence program and a list of shelters.

The Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy provides support in Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties.


Alzheimer’s Association National Capital Area Chapter: The McLean-based Alzheimer’s Association National Capital Area Chapter is offering its free education programs and support groups virtually and by phone. Additional online resources are available, including a dedicated section on caregiving during COVID-19 The association’s free 24/7 helpline (800-272.-3900) is staffed round the clock with specialists and master’s-level clinicians offering confidential support and information to people living with the disease, caregivers, families and the public. Support is available via a TTY service and in more than 200 languages via their translation service.


Blood donations:

Inova Mount Vernon Hospital Donor Center: 2501 Parkers Lane, Alexandria, Va.

Check the Red Cross website for local sites to give blood.

Food donations:

ALIVE!: ALIVE! helps deliver food to those in need throughout Alexandria. They have three food distribution sites:

  • West End: John Adams Elementary School, 5651 Rayburn Ave.
  • Arlandria: Leonard “Chick” Armstrong Recreation Center, 23 W. Reed Ave.
  • Old Town: Ladrey Apartments, 300 Wythe St.

They also accept cash donations.

Christ House Food Pantry: Accepts perishable and nonperishable goods. Located at 131 S West St., Alexandria, Va., 22314.

United Community: Located at 7511 Fordson Road, Alexandria, Va.

Domestic violence support:

Alexandria offers 24/7 domestic violence support. They also take donations.

The Northern Virginia Family Service serves Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Loudoun, Prince William, Manassas and Manassas Park. Donate here. Volunteer here.


Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites near Arlington to give blood. Inova also offers locations to give blood.

Food donations:

The Arlington Food Assistance Center said they’re in need of canned foods like vegetables, soups, tuna and tomato products. However, their regular drop-off centers have closed. These are the current centers, as of March:

  • AFAC’s Warehouse (2708 S. Nelson St) Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. — 1 p.m.
  • Arlington Church of the Brethren (300 N Montague St.)
  • Fairlington Villages Management Office (3001 S. Abingdon St.) Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. — noon, 1:00 — 5:30 p.m.

There are also several Crystal City locations.

Those looking to donate money can check their donation page.

AFAC is also looking for volunteers.

Catholic Charities has several arms throughout the region. They accept donations. And they’re looking for volunteers.

Domestic violence support:

Arlington County has a 24/7 domestic violence support line.

Doorways also support domestic violence victims. They accept donations online. Those looking to volunteer can check their website.

The Northern Virginia Family Service serves Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Loudoun, Prince William, Manassas and Manassas Park. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Fairfax County

Blood donations:

CentreMed Donor Center: 6201 Centreville Road (Route 28) Centreville, Va. Make an appointment.

Woodburn Donor Center: 3289 Woodburn Road, #010, Annandale, Va. Make an appointment.

Check the Red Cross website for local sites to give blood.

Food donations:

Capital Area Food Bank: Nonperishable donations only. Located at 6833 Hill Park Drive, Lorton, Va. 22079. Monetary donations also accepted. Want to volunteer?

Food for Others: 2938 Prosperity Avenue. Accepts a variety of donations. Give money here. Volunteer here.

Domestic violence support:

Check Fairfax County’s domestic and sexual violence services. There is also the Artemis House emergency shelter. Fairfax County police have a website too.

The Northern Virginia Family Service serves Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Loudoun, Prince William, Manassas and Manassas Park. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Fauquier County

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for blood donation locations.

Food donations:

The Fauquier Community Food Bank and Thrift Store is located in Warrenton. They take donations online. They’re also looking for volunteers.

Fauquier FISH operates in Warrenton. They take monetary donations, food and goods donations and they’re looking for volunteers.

Haymarket Regional Food Pantry is giving away gift cards so families can buy groceries. They’re taking monetary donations online.

Domestic violence support:

Fauquier County has a 24/7 domestic violence hotline.

The Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office also has specialists available.

Loudoun County

Blood donations:

Dulles Donor Center: 45745 Nokes Blvd. #160, Sterling, Va. Make an appointment.

Check the Red Cross website for blood donation locations.

Food donations:

Catholic Charities has several arms throughout the region, including a Leesburg food pantry. They accept donations. And they’re looking for volunteers.

Domestic violence support:

The Northern Virginia Family Service serves Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Loudoun, Prince William, Manassas and Manassas Park. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Prince William County, Manassas City and Manassas Park City

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood. Inova also offers locations to give blood.

Food donations:

ACTS provides food to those in need on a monthly basis. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Catholic Charities has several arms throughout the region, including the Manassas Food Warehouse. They accept donations. And they’re looking for volunteers.

Haymarket Regional Food Pantry is giving away gift cards so families can buy groceries. They’re taking monetary donations online.

Domestic violence support:

The Northern Virginia Family Service serves Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Loudoun, Prince William, Manassas and Manassas Park. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Stafford County

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood. Inova also offers locations to give blood.

Food donations:

Stafford Emergency Relief through Volunteer Efforts (SERVE) is open at varying hours during the week. Donate here. Volunteer here.

Stafford Food Security has multiple locations and works with churches, public schools and other nonprofits. They serve public schools in Stafford, King George, Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg. Donate food here. Donate money here. Volunteer here.

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church also has a food pantry.

Domestic violence support:

Empowerhouse serves Stafford, Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg. They have a 24-hour hotline. Donations are accepted.

The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office has a variety of resources for those who need it.

Spotsylvania County

Blood donations:

Check the Red Cross website for sites to give blood. Inova also offers locations to give blood.

Food donations:

Stafford Food Security has multiple locations and works with churches, public schools and other nonprofits. They serve public schools in Stafford, King George, Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg. Donate food here. Donate money here. Volunteer here.

Zion United Methodist Church has a food pantry open the third Thursday of the month from 4 p.m. — 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Domestic violence support:

Empowerhouse serves Stafford, Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg. They have a 24-hour hotline. Donations are accepted.

Diaper bank

Greater DC Diaper Bank: The Greater DC Diaper bank has locations throughout the region to help parents and babies.

Helping animals

Here are several things you can do to help animals in need, per the Humane Rescue Alliance (and don’t forget to check out WTOP’s Pet of the Week):

  • Keep your animals safe: Please keep your pet in mind when you plan your COVID-19 response and be prepared with a several week supply of pet food and medication. Identify a backup caregiver should you be faced with an emergency. For more information, refer to HRA’s pet preparedness guide.
  • Adopt: The HRA has announced the launch of virtual adoption services through their network of area foster homes. They have animals who still need homes. Learn more about HRA’s virtual adoption process at
  • Donate to support animals in-need: Consider making a direct contribution to support HRA’s essential operations of adoption, medical care, animal care and field services. They are also accepting donations via HRA’s Amazon Wishlist.
  • Donate fabric masks: During shortages of disposable personal protection equipment (PPE), fabric face masks are a great alternative. Help protect HRA staff and volunteers, who continue to provide daily care to HRA animals through any crisis. Simple, step-by-step instructions available here.
  • Lend a helping hand: Many people in the region, particularly seniors and those with underlying health issues, are experiencing hardships right now. Check in on your neighbors and offer help with purchasing pet food or walking their dogs.

The Omni Calculator Project

A community of scientists, doctors and researchers have developed a series of coronavirus calculators. The collection helps answer: How many lives you can save with social distancing? Are you in a high or low-risk group? How much stimulus check or loan are you eligible for? What do you need to survive? (Yes, including toilet paper.) Check it out.

Will Vitka

William Vitka is a Digital Writer/Editor for He's been in the news industry for over a decade. Before joining WTOP, he worked for CBS News, Stuff Magazine, The New York Post and wrote a variety of books—about a dozen of them, with more to come.

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