Have you ever tapped your Metro card only to be greeted with a jarring beep and a “See a station manager” message?
Starting Wednesday, riders will know exactly what the problem is when they tap in or out of the station. New technology will tell passengers whether their card is deactivated, expired or invalid, Metro said in a news release. Customers won’t need to talk to Metro staff to figure out what is wrong with their cards.

The updated fare gates will also address the issue of SmarTrip taps not being recorded. The fare gates will open and charge the regular fare, and then display the cost of the trip while showing the card’s remaining balance.
Previously, any time the SmarTrip card triggers a message at the gate, a station manager has to intervene. Metro said this problem happens more than 4,000 times a day.
While station managers will still be available to assist customers as needed, the goal is to make the journey more independent and seamless, Metro spokeswoman Sarah Meyer said.
The fare gate display screen update is part of Metro’s $12.4 billion Capital Improvement Program, which focuses on safety, repairs and reliability of the D.C. region’s transit agency.
Last year, Metro installed “saloon door” fare gates aimed at preventing fare evasion, which Metro said led to a decrease of more than 70% afterward.
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