Man who punched Metrobus driver arrested

Metro facilities on Calvert Street, Colorado Avenue and Connecticut Avenue in Chevy Chase will be getting new doors, windows and restrooms.. (WTOP/Dave Dildine)

WASHINGTON — Metro Transit Police have arrested an Alexandria, Virginia man charged with punching a Metrobus operator last week.

Michael S. Powell, Jr., 27, was charged with malicious bodily injury and misdemeanor assault and battery after assaulting a female bus operator before midnight last Wednesday.

Powell allegedly had a dispute with the driver at the Braddock Road Metro station, punched her and assaulted a passenger as he tried to exit the bus.

The victims suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

Police say Powell was arrested without incident and will be arraigned in Fairfax County Circuit Court.

Rob Woodfork

Rob Woodfork is WTOP's Senior Sports Content Producer, which includes duties as producer and host of the DC Sports Huddle, nightside sports anchor and sports columnist on

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