WASHINGTON — If you’re passionate about a certain New England football team, you may not want to ask, “Alexa, who’s going to win the Super Bowl?”
The Super Bowl LII showdown between the Philadelphia Eagles and the New England Patriots isn’t until Feb. 4, but a clash between Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri has already started.
After fans on social media shared their Echo answers, WTOP staff tested it out.
Sure enough, when asked about the Super Bowl winner, the Amazon personal assistant answered in a robotic yet assured tone, “I’m flying with the Eagles on this one, because of their relentless defense and the momentum they’ve been riding off their underdog status.”
“E-A-G-L-E-S,” Alexa added. “Eagles.”
In contrast, the answer from Apple’s Siri grounded itself on predicted outcomes: “Those in the know say that the Patriots will defeat the Eagles by 5 points.”
So, what’s with Alexa’s Eagle enthusiasm? “Alexa often roots for the underdog,” an Amazon spokesperson told The Boston Globe in an email. “She had a friendly rivalry with the Patriots last year, and that sentiment continues this year.”
For those looking for neutral ground, Google Home is playing it safe and feigning ignorance: “My apologies. I don’t understand.”