Police: Md. man offered pizzas for sale then inappropriately touched girl

A man selling leftover pizzas inappropriately touched an 11-year-old girl at a laundromat in Aspen Hill, Maryland, earlier this week, Montgomery County police said.

Julio Portillo-Hernandez, 56, of Silver Spring, was arrested Tuesday and charged with two counts of third-degree sexual offense. He is being held on an $8,000 bond.

Police said it happened about 9:20 p.m. Tuesday, when Portillo-Hernandez walked into the laundromat in the 13600 block of Georgia Avenue to sell leftover pizzas from the restaurant where he worked.

Portillo-Hernandez approached the girl’s mother and after she refused his offer of a pizza, he “walked away from the mother and inappropriately touched the victim,” police said Thursday.

The mother saw Portillo-Hernandez touch her daughter and immediately called 911, police said. When officers arrived, police said they found Portillo-Hernandez still in the area and arrested him.

Investigators believe there may be other victims. Anyone with information is asked to call the department’s Special Victims Investigations Division at (240) 773-5400.

Jack Moore

Jack Moore joined WTOP.com as a digital writer/editor in July 2016. Previous to his current role, he covered federal government management and technology as the news editor at Nextgov.com, part of Government Executive Media Group.

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