Courtesy @sherrysherry1 via Twitter

Courtesy Brian Green via Twitter

Courtesy @BackroadsRamblr via Twitter

Caroline Powers via Twitter

Courtesy @JanePositively via Twitter

WTOP/Michelle Basch
Dog must be walked. @WTOP pic.twitter.com/gGO8KLPEqX
— Neal Augenstein (@AugensteinWTOP) January 29, 2019
Snowfall - the quiet before the cold. @WTOP @StormHour @SnowHour pic.twitter.com/K282ekIAu6
— Kristin Iden(@kn_iden) January 29, 2019
Loving the snow in Ashburn @capitalweather @WTOP pic.twitter.com/FJn6AtttW3
— Farmwell Station PE (@FarmwellPE) January 29, 2019
Some big snow flakes coming down outside @WTOP’s new Glass Enclosed Nerve Center. @dimitriwtop is keeping all those in earshot of his dry run informed! pic.twitter.com/xHYPLaKowo
— Mike Murillo (@MikeMurilloWTOP) January 29, 2019
Just drove from Arlington -> Georgetown. Started with just rain on the windshield, now getting light flakes mixed with fat raindrops. I found roads to be only wet so far - no accumulation & drivers generally keeping speeds down, but WOW did traffic build fast! @WTOP @WTOPtraffic pic.twitter.com/uuZAYtPb8z
— Michelle Basch (@mbaschWTOP) January 29, 2019