WASHINGTON — Heading to the National Mall or the Foo Fighters concert on July 4? Metro is planning ahead with extra trains.
Metrorail service will operate from 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. with off-peak fares until midnight, then peak fares after midnight. Metro will offer near rush-hour service around the fireworks. There will be no track work on July 4.
Silver Line trains will operate between Wiehle-Reston East and Stadium-Armory only, with points east served by the Blue or Orange Lines.
Metro wants customers to pick one line and stick to it to avoid crowding at key transfer points. Metro suggests people walk from Metro Center or L’Enfant Plaza to the National Mall.
The Smithsonian station will be open all day, but the Mall entrance will become “entry-only” after 9:30 p.m. The Independence Ave. entrance will be available for both entry and exit all day.
Concertgoers are reminded that with peak fares in place after midnight to load enough money onto your fare card to get home.
At the Stadium-Armory Station, to accommodate expected crowds for the Foo Fighters event, the entrance closest to the Stadium will be “exit only” from noon until 11 p.m. and then “entry only” from 11 p.m. until after the departing crowds are accommodated. The station’s second entrance, which will be less crowded, will be open for entry and exit throughout the entire day.
Which line should you take? Watch this Metro video:
Here are some rider tips for using Metro July 4: