AP Photo/Francois Mori
Capt Marshall Smith w the 1st Va Regiment that re-enacts Amer Rev soldiers #WTOP #Hermione pic.twitter.com/beUhB8pdE5
— Kristi King (@kingWTOP) June 10, 2015
Capt Marshall Smith w the 1st Va Regiment that re-enacts Amer Rev soldiers #WTOP #Hermione pic.twitter.com/beUhB8pdE5
— Kristi King (@kingWTOP) June 10, 2015
#Hermione almst exact replica of ship Marquis de Lafayette used in 1780 trip to GW w news of full French aid #WTOP pic.twitter.com/7s8ZDdiaFh
— Kristi King (@kingWTOP) June 10, 2015

Courtesy WTOP/Kristi King

WTOP/Kristi King

Photo by Donald Traill/Invision for Moet Hennessy/AP Images

Courtesy of York County, Virginia

York County

Photo by Pat Jarrett/Invision for Hennessy/AP Images
AP Photo/Francois Mori
AP Photo/Francois Mori
AP Photo/Francois Mori
Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Sandberg/U.S. Navy via AP

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WASHINGTON — The Hermione, a replica of the 18th Century French war frigate that helped to turn the tide of the American Revolution when it delivered the news to Continental Army commander George Washington that aid was on the way from France, is docked in Alexandria from June 10-13, after which the Hermione is headed to Annapolis and Baltimore, Md.