Metro has announced an expansion of the way customers can pay for parking, now boasting centralized pay stations and ParkMobile access for all of its short-term parking lots and street parking spaces.
All 63 of Metro’s “Kiss and Ride” and hourly lots have been outfitted with centralized pay stations, the final step in a system overhaul that began last year. The transition to pay-by-phone options and pay stations, including the removal of approximately 3,000 parking meters, is part of Metro’s fare modernization and customer initiatives.
“It can be frustrating to park at a meter and realize you don’t have enough change, but that’s not a problem anymore,” said Metro General Manager and CEO Randy Clarke. “We’ve gotten rid of the meters and modernized our parking to make your trip on Metro as easy and convenient as possible,” adding that for many people who their phones to pay.
Coins may still be used at pay stations, in addition to the ParkMobile, where you can use your phone or a credit card at a pay station.
According to a Metro news release, phasing out individual meters and moving to centralized pay stations decrease maintenance costs and provide more data to the organization about parking revenue and usage.
ParkMobile can be utilized by downloading the ParkMobile app, where users enter the zone number and space number indicated on the nearest parking sign, and select their desired amount of parking time.
The new Metro pay stations can be utilized using the unique space number on the ParkMobile signage and making payments with either coins or credit cards.
Metro noted that at the Medical Center, Tenleytown and Deanwood stations, customers must use their license plate number instead of a space number, when using either ParkMobile or the physical pay stations.