All Times EDT
First Round
Friday, March 14
Atlantic Region
At campus sites
Edinboro 80, Virginia St. 68
Indiana (Pa.) 76, Fairmont St. 61
Gannon 60, Fayetteville St. 50
Seton Hill 87, Kutztown 75
Central Region
Pittsburg St. 87, Harding 75
Minnesota St. 87, Missouri Western 73
Southwest Minn. St. 77, Concordia-St. Paul 64
Fort Hays St. 81, Southern Nazarene 72
East Region
Bentley 65, New Haven 39
St. Anselm 59, Southern Conn. St. 41
Daemen 70, Jefferson 48
Holy Family 67, Assumption 53
Midwest Region
Grand Valley St. 108, Quincy 72
Wayne St. (Mich.) 77, Lewis 57
Ashland 62, Ferris St. 50
Northern Mich. 61, Hillsdale 56
South Region
Union (Tenn.) 107, Miles 69
Lee 66, Tampa 63
Embry-Riddle (Fla.) 70, West Florida 56
Nova Southeastern 80, Alabama Huntsville 73
South Central Region
Texas Woman’s 75, Adams St. 52
Eastern N.M. 56, Colorado Mesa 52
Lubbock Christian 68, UC-Colo. Springs 65
West Tex. A&M 58, UT Tyler 47
Southeast Region
UNG 78, UNC Pembroke 64
Columbus St. 89, Francis Marion 83, OT
Coker 58, Belmont Abbey 50
Carson-Newman 75, Anderson (S.C.) 71
West Region
Cal St. Dom. Hills 77, Azusa Pacific 58
Alas. Anchorage 69, Mont. St. Billings 66
Chico St. 57, Cal Poly Pomona 52, OT
Central Wash. 74, Point Loma 53
Second Round
Saturday, March 15
Atlantic Region
Indiana (Pa.) 67, Edinboro 52
Gannon 80, Seton Hill 70
Central Region
Pittsburg St. 94, Minnesota St. 91
Southwest Minn. St. 77, Fort Hays St. 63
East Region
Bentley 60, St. Anselm 55
Holy Family 68, Daemen 55
Midwest Region
Grand Valley St. 87, Wayne St. (Mich.) 54
Ashland 68, Northern Mich. 45
South Region
Union (Tenn.) 75, Lee 53
Nova Southeastern 66, Embry-Riddle (Fla.) 63
South Central Region
Texas Woman’s 71, Eastern N.M. 48
Lubbock Christian 73, West Tex. A&M 60
Southeast Region
UNG 64, Columbus St. 56
Coker 48, Carson-Newman 44
West Region
Cal St. Dom. Hills 63, Alas. Anchorage 61
Central Wash. 79, Chico St. 73
Third Round
Monday, March 17
Atlantic Region
Gannon 72, Indiana (Pa.) 59
Central Region
Pittsburg St. 85, Southwest Minn. St. 82
East Region
Bentley 72, Holy Family 63
Midwest Region
Grand Valley St. 62, Ashland 50
South Region
Union (Tenn.) 65, Nova Southeastern 60
South Central Region
Lubbock Christian 62, Texas Woman’s 54
Southeast Region
Coker 64, UNG 54
West Region
Cal St. Dom. Hills 70, Central Wash. 47
Monday, March 24
At Minneapolis
Grand Valley St. vs. Gannon, 6 p.m.
Pittsburg St. vs. Lubbock Christian, 8:30 p.m.
Bentley vs. Union (Tenn.), 2:30 p.m.
Cal St. Dom. Hills vs. Coker, Noon
Grand Valley St.-Gannon-winner vs. Pittsburg St.-Lubbock Christian-winner, TBA
Bentley-Union (Tenn.)-winner vs. Cal St. Dom. Hills-Coker-winner, TBA
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