WASHINGTON — An explosives-detection dog that ran away in Prince William County has been found, police announced through Facebook on Tuesday night.

An explosives-detection dog named Chuy had run away from its handler’s home in Nokesville around 10:45 a.m. Tuesday. Chuy’s handler, Brandon West was out of town and his wife, who was watching the dog, was cleaning the kennel when the German Shepard got loose and ran away, said Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller.
The residence has several acres of land and state police, Prince William County Animal Control and Prince William County police had assisted in the search. The dog had never run away before, Geller said.
Chuy was described as a “passive” explosives-detection canine.
“He will not bite. He is an explosive k9 and not trained to bite. Please if you see him try to play with him to get him to you,” West wrote on Facebook.