WASHINGTON — Elected leaders call the first Whole Foods in Prince George’s County, Maryland, a great sign of economic development, but many shoppers are just happy to have new options.
“I like healthy foods, and we don’t really have too many good healthy food options in the neighborhood,” said University of Maryland student Candace Hood-Bey. “College students — we have options now, and it’s close: We don’t have to travel really far.”
“We’ve been wanting something like this forever,” said Eva Brent of Bowie, Maryland. “This is marvelous.”
Elected leaders say the new store is one more sign that Prince George’s is evolving past being a simple bedroom community that people leave for work and to spend money.
“It’s more than just a grocery store; it’s what it symbolizes in terms of our progress and the steps forward that we’re taking,” said Prince George’s County Council member Mel Franklin.
Kate Blattner, of Riverdale Park, is impressed with the grocery store, which is part of a development that soon will include a hotel, retail, restaurants and residences.
“It’s crazy that this is finally here and in P.G. County. All this building is happening. I never would have thought this when I moved here 10 years ago,” Blattner said.
Elected leaders believe it’s evidence that the county is moving forward as an economic destination.
“We have 8 billion to 9 billion dollars in economic development that’s on the way to the county,” Franklin said. “This Whole Foods project was a big signal that helped with that momentum.”
Other recent successes and ones in the pipeline for Prince George’s include MGM National Harbor, a new regional medical center and efforts to get the new FBI Headquarters when it moves out of D.C.