How to Write a Goodbye Email to Co-Workers (With Samples)

In your final weeks of a job, writing a farewell email to co-workers might seem like a small detail that can be skipped, or at least moved to the bottom of your to-do list.


But a well-crafted goodbye email can help you leave the company on a high note and strengthen your professional network. After all, you never know how a former co-worker might be able to help you out in the future. And if you work remotely or in a hybrid position and are unable to say goodbye to co-workers in person, taking the time to write a goodbye email is even more important.

Here’s a guide to writing a farewell email to co-workers, including when to send it and who to include, as well as a few sample emails to inspire you.

[Read: How to Write a Resignation Letter]

What to Include in a Goodbye Email

When writing your email, keep it short and sweet. Use the appropriate tone of the industry you work in and include details such as:

— Your last day of work

— Any send-off party plans (virtual or in person)

— Your plans after leaving (new position, career change, etc.)

— Your contact details, such as personal email, LinkedIn profile or phone number

— Expressions of appreciation

When to Send a Goodbye Email

Send the email a day or two before your last day. While you could wait until your final day, sending the email a day or two in advance gives co-workers time to respond or make plans to attend your send-off party. If you worked with any clients or partners in your position, the extra time will be beneficial in case there are any questions or loose ends to tie up.

Who Should Receive Your Goodbye Email

You may consider writing a few different emails depending on your professional relationships. You could send an email to teammates as well as personalized emails to other co-workers with whom you formed a close bond. You can also write a separate goodbye email to your manager and any other superiors.

If you work at a small company, it may be appropriate to send an email to everyone in the company. However, if you work at a large organization, don’t feel that you have to write a goodbye email to the entire organization. It is sufficient to write to your immediate department, your boss and co-workers. You may opt to write a handwritten letter to some of them instead of an email.

[READ: How to Write a Professional Bio.]

Sample Farewell Emails

Depending on the professional relationships you made during your time at the company, you may want to craft different emails to co-workers, supervisors and others. See the examples below of the different types of emails you may want to send.

Goodbye Email to Co-Workers

You could email co-workers who you occasionally crossed paths with something like this:

Hi (Name),

I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that I have accepted a new position, and my last day at (Company Name) is (date).

Even though we didn’t have the chance to work together closely, I have appreciated being a part of this organization. Thank you for the work you do and for contributing to a positive work environment.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Please feel free to stay in touch at (contact information). I hope our paths will cross again.

Best, (Your Name)

Goodbye Email to Your Team or Department

You could email the team you worked closely with something like this:

Hi team,

As you probably know, my last day at (Company Name) is (date).

I will be starting a new position as (position name) at (New Company) and am looking forward to this new chapter in my career.

I have truly enjoyed getting to know you and working on solving tough problems together. Thank you for making working in our department memorable and fun. I have really appreciated the professionalism of the department, and I will strive to emulate those qualities in my next position. I hope you can join us for my send-off party on (event details).

While we won’t see each other every day, I would love to stay in touch. Here are my contact details: (contact information). If I can help you in any way, please let me know.

All the best, (Your Name)

Goodbye Email to Close Colleagues

You could email co-workers with whom you were especially close something like this:

Hi (Name),

As you know, my final day as (position name) at the office is approaching on (date).

I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I have enjoyed working with you over the last (time working together). Thank you for your help and support. I will always remember (memory you share).

I feel good about making this change for my career, but I will miss working with you every day. However, this doesn’t mean that we won’t see each other again. I am always here to support you and hope we can plan a lunch or coffee soon.

Don’t forget (send-off event details).

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Goodbye Email to Your Boss or Manager

You could email your boss something like this:

Hi (Name),

Today is my last day with (Company Name). I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I have appreciated your guidance and leadership over the last (time at company).

My time spent here has contributed to my professional growth and I am very grateful for that. I will remember what you taught me about (something you learned or observed from your boss) and will continue to leverage that in my new role.

Even though we won’t be working together, I would love to stay in touch. Please note my personal email address (email address) and my LinkedIn profile (link). Don’t hesitate to reach out if I can help you in any way.

Thanks again for your experience and guidance. I wish you all the best.

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Goodbye Email to a Company Executive

It may be appropriate to send a farewell email to a company executive, especially if you worked at a smaller company or reported to them. You can send something like this:

Dear (Name),

As I prepare to start the next chapter of my career on (date), I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for my time at (Company Name). Working under your leadership has been a valuable experience.

Your vision as well as your commitment to excellence and the company’s mission has been truly inspiring. The (insert skills) I’ve gained here will undoubtedly benefit me in my next role.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to work at (Company Name) and for creating an environment that fosters growth and development. I wish you and the organization continued success.

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Goodbye Email to a Mentor

If you had a mentor at your organization, you can send something like the following:

Dear (Name),

I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much your guidance and support have meant to me these past (time at company). Your mentorship has been instrumental in my professional development. I have learned so much from your insights, advice and encouragement.

(Insert a time your mentor helped you or a memory you share).

I am truly grateful for the time and effort you have invested in my growth, and I hope to make you proud in my future endeavors.

Thank you for being such an incredible mentor. I will keep in touch and update you on my progress.

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Goodbye Email to Clients

If you worked with any client accounts in your position, you could consider sending the following:

Dear (Name),

I wanted to let you know that I will be starting a new chapter in my career, and my final day as (position name) at (Company Name) is (date).

Your new point of contact will be (Full Name), who is copied on this email. (Name) has been working in our department for (time at company) and is up to date with your account. You will be in good hands. Moving forward, (Name) is available to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you again for trusting us with your needs.

Sincerely, (Your Name)

Goodbye Email to Partners

If you worked with any partners of your company or organization, send something like the following:

Dear (Name),

I wanted to let you know that I will be starting a new chapter in my career, and my final day as (position name) at (Company Name) is on (date).

I have learned so much from you and can’t wait to see your future endeavors. To ensure a smooth transition, (Full Name) will be taking over as (position name) and is copied on this email. (Name) will reach out to schedule an introductory call with you for (insert partner needs here).

I have truly enjoyed our partnership and I hope to cross paths with you in the future. Here is my personal email (email address) and LinkedIn profile link (link) so that we can stay in touch.

Sincerely, (Your Name)

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Keep Your Goodbye Email Positive

When writing your farewell email, don’t go into any negative reasons you are leaving the company or speak badly about your co-workers or superiors. You don’t want anything that you write to hurt you in the future, so strive to maintain a positive and professional tone.

Ask a family member or close friend to provide feedback if you are unsure of how your email comes across. You can also use AI tools such as ChatGPT to review and reword your goodbye email. However, don’t solely use AI tools to write your goodbye email. It should sound sincere and have your personal touch.

Writing a goodbye email to your co-workers can take time, but they will appreciate the effort, especially if they can’t say goodbye in person. A goodbye email may also be the beginning of great networking connections.

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How to Write a Goodbye Email to Co-Workers (With Samples) originally appeared on

Update 07/10/24: This story was published at an earlier date and has been updated with new information.

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