15 Good Reasons to Quit Your Job

Life is too short to stay at a job that is not serving you anymore, but that does not mean you should quit without thinking things through. According to a Paychex survey of 825 employees who quit during the Great Resignation, 80% regretted their decision to leave their jobs. So before handing over your resignation letter, make sure you have a good reason for quitting your job and a clear plan for what’s next.

Consider the following reasons to quit your job:

You Get No Joy From Your Job

It’s normal to go through a rough patch in your career, but if you consistently feel disengaged and do not enjoy your work, this is a good reason to look for a job that brings you greater fulfillment.

Talent strategist Megan Leasher says that when your job isn’t bringing you joy or fulfillment, it can leave you feeling uninspired and affect your life outside of work. You may even notice your daily habits shifting in a negative direction. “For example, your eating gets terrible, (or even worse), your sleep patterns are nonexistent, your daily hygiene is nonexistent, you don’t tidy up where you live, you forget to exercise … things like that,” she said in an email.

The Work Culture Is Toxic

A negative corporate culture can make even the best job a terrible experience, taking a toll on your mental and physical health. If you find that there is no way to improve the situation with your co-workers or management, it may be time to find a job with a better work environment.

“Ideally, you’d want to stick it out until you find a new role, but sometimes it makes sense to remove yourself from the environment in order to put your best foot forward for the job search,” Tammy Gooler Loeb, career and executive coach, said in an email.

[Related:What Is a Toxic Work Environment — and How Can I Avoid It?]

There Is No Room for Career Growth

If your company doesn’t have programs for career development or growth, you may feel stagnant and unfulfilled in your position.

Your job should give you new opportunities that allow you to grow. “My personal mantra is ‘always be learning.’ If you are not always learning, you are falling behind,” wrote Edie Goldberg, human resources strategy expert, in an email. “So, if your job feels routine and stagnant, you may want to consider going somewhere else.”

You Want a Better Work-Life Balance

Many professionals have discovered that they want to work remotely or in a hybrid position. Others want more flexibility with their schedules or vacation time. If this is important to you, and your company is unwilling to negotiate new terms for your position, you may want to seek employment at a company that places a higher value on work-life balance.

“When your company’s work policies get in the way of you doing good work and make things harder than they need to be, it’s time to weigh the pros and cons of staying vs. leaving,” Goldberg said.

Your Salary Is Too Low

Your company should compensate you fairly based on your experience and years with the company. If you have positioned yourself for a pay bump but management is chronically unwilling or unable to raise your salary, it may be time to move on.

Remember that a higher base pay is only part of salary negotiations. You may also be able to negotiate other benefits and perks such as remote work arrangements, equity in the company and vacation time.

You Don’t Like or Respect Your Boss

If your boss is disrespectful, untrustworthy, dishonest or displays other bad management traits, it’s a sign to explore other opportunities. “Sometimes we simply don’t click with other people, and that’s OK. Maybe your personalities are different, or maybe your work styles clash. And if you can’t move to another team where you are more in sync, you are unlikely to enjoy working in this situation,” Goldberg said.

You Have Had a Life Change

Major life changes like having a baby or grieving a spouse can factor into whether you stay in a job. Whether you have decided that you no longer need to work or need to find something part time or gig-based, in this case, don’t feel guilty about quitting.

You Are Relocating

While remote work options are common these days, it may not be possible to keep your current job after moving to a new location. After discussing your options and plan with your superiors, it may be time to start a job search.

You Want to Change Careers

If you want to transition to a new industry, this is a good reason to quit your job. Have a solid transition plan in place before submitting your resignation, though, since you may need additional education or training to qualify for a position in a new industry.

[READ: 15 Jobs to Consider for a Career Change]

The Company You Work for Is Not Flourishing

If your company is experiencing a wave of layoffs or furloughs, this can be a red flag that it is in trouble financially. After making discreet inquiries and doing some research, you may find that your best option is to look for a new job before your position is affected.

You Want to Further Your Education

If you decide that you want to go back to school full time, you may be unable to keep your current job due to time constraints. But before quitting, it may be worthwhile to discuss your plans with your superiors since furthering your education may benefit the company. Some organizations provide support for employees who want to continue their education, so make sure you are aware of your options.

You Have Been Offered Your Dream Job

Sometimes great job opportunities unexpectedly pop up. If you are offered your dream job, don’t let it pass by. “You can — and should — use this opportunity as a negotiation point if you don’t mind staying with your current employer.,” Goldberg said. “But if the other company offers you more money, better benefits or a better employee experience, there is nothing wrong with quitting your job and going elsewhere.”

You Need a Different Schedule

Your current job schedule may not work with day care or other personal responsibilities. Find out if it’s possible to alter your hours. If not, you may want to look for a job with a schedule that fits your lifestyle.

Your Values Do Not Align With the Company’s Values

When you don’t agree with your company’s values, it may greatly diminish your experience at work and motivation to succeed. Depending on the situation, misaligned values may be a solid reason to look for a new job.

You Regularly Dream of Quitting

You may have an entirely different reason for wanting to quit your job than those listed above. In the end, if your job leaves you regularly dreaming of quitting, you should explore the possibility. Just make sure to identify what you want out of your career to make sure that quitting is the right move.

Should You Quit Your Job?

Deciding to step away from a job is not always easy, especially if you’ve been with the same employer for years or are not financially stable enough to risk months of unemployment. If you are thinking of leaving without another job lined up, make sure you have a financial cushion to tide you over while you search for your next opportunity.

Ultimately, whether to quit your job is a personal choice. To make the best decision, consider the pros and cons of staying versus leaving. Trust your gut feelings, talk to friends, family or mentors, and make sure you have a plan before making a move.

[READ: 10 Things to Do Before Resigning.]

What to Know If You Decide to Quit

If you’ve decided that it’s time to move on from your current job, here’s how to resign the right way to avoid burning any bridges.

Give appropriate notice. In most cases, you should put in a two-week notice. Although you are typically not contractually required to submit a resignation two weeks in advance, doing so is considered to be a professional courtesy.

Write a letter of resignation. In your letter of resignation, include your last day of work and consider thanking your employer for the opportunity. Remember, a resignation letter is not the place to vent, so leave your frustrations and concerns for the exit interview.

Check on unemployment benefits. To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you typically have to prove that you quit your job due to personal circumstances that left you no reasonable alternative. If you quit your job without good cause, you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits. Still, don’t assume you are ineligible until you’ve checked your state’s requirements.

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15 Good Reasons to Quit Your Job originally appeared on usnews.com

Update 06/18/24: This story was published at an earlier date and has been updated with new information.

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