Lacrosse coach Ryan Jones thought college wasn’t for him. But when he was applying for jobs, he kept hearing the same thing: “You’re a great person, but we can’t hire you because you don’t have a degree.”
Jones’ players pushed him to go back to school. Now, at the age of 35, he’s pursuing a degree in communications at Montgomery College. But he says this degree is not for him, it’s for his mom, who wanted to go to college.
“She was a single mom. She had me a day over 16, and she said, ‘Hey, I’m pouring (everything) into you,'” he said. “All my successes are (to) pay homage to her.”
Nov. 8 is “First Generation College Students Day,” a time to celebrate individuals who are the first in their families to pursue a degree. Montgomery College celebrated the day by setting up tables with snacks and free swag at their campuses.
Bryan Ribeiro is studying mechanical engineering. His parents, who came to the U.S. from Portugal, also keep him motivated.
“They value my education, and they’ve taught me to value my education as well,” he said. “Being here is a way for me (to) give back to them for doing all they’ve done, coming here to America from almost nothing.”
The Federal TRIO Programs support students from disadvantaged backgrounds, providing them with resources to succeed.
Huong Nguyen is the TRIO program director at Montgomery College and says the school has 10,958 students who self identify as “first-generation.”
“As a first-generation student myself, I know that the pressure is much higher when you have your entire family, your community and your siblings view you as a model,” Nguyen said.
When she finished college, her family flew to the U.S. from France to see her graduate. That moment inspired her to go into higher education.
“The first-generation students and students who receive financial aid are the ones that, despite of all the challenges that they face, always find a way to overcome the challenges,” she said. “They always find a way to continue (and) to persist.”
For Erykia Blair, a first-generation student from Guyana, Montgomery College provided her with financial help and community support.
“A lot of people move here and they don’t have their families. They’re here by themselves,” she said. “When I moved here, I worked on campus (at) at least two different locations, and then I had an outside job off-campus.”
She said it was important for her to be a role model in her family.
“It’s kind of paving the way for the females that come after me,” she said. “It’s a pretty good feeling (to) be that steppingstone for generations to come.”
Bakary Leno, who wants to be a sports journalist, feels the same way.
“It feels good,” he said. “It’s like I’m setting an example from my sister and my other cousins behind me to show them that going to college is good.”
Beverly Coleman is the director of the TRIO Educational Opportunity Center at Montgomery College. She said they help students apply for scholarships and financial aid, adjust to the college environment and explore different career paths.
“If the country wants to move forward and be competitive, you need people who have postsecondary education,” Coleman said.
Coleman is also a first-generation student, and said her graduation was an accomplishment for her whole family.
“I think with first-generation students, when they’re able to be admitted, enrolled and then graduate, it is not just an honor for them, but it’s an honor for their families,” Coleman said. “It’s an honor for their communities. Everyone celebrates that.”

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