The "Rally for Justice" event was tied to the one-year anniversary of the white nationalist "Unite the Right" rally, which resulted in the death of counterprotester Heather Heyer.
The “Rally for Justice” event was tied to the one-year anniversary of the white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally, which resulted in the death of counterprotester Heather Heyer.
UVA Students United had organized the rally on the north plaza of the campus’ rotunda. The student group said on the event’s Facebook page that the rally was meant to “reclaim the North Plaza of the Rotunda and demand justice for those who have suffered at the hands of white supremacy.”
Demonstrators carry banners in front of the Rotunda on the campus of the University of Virginia during a rally for the anniversary of last year’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
A visitor carries a sign as State Police lock down the downtown area in anticipation of the anniversary of last year’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018. The Governor has declared a state of emergency in Charlottesville.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
A vendor displays wares on the mall as State Police lock down the downtown area in anticipation of the anniversary of last year’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018. The Governor has declared a state of emergency in Charlottesville.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
We’re now near Lee Park. Some police officers repositioning to other end of Downtown Mall sent people going to see where they are going. Still heavy police presence at Lee Statue
Police guard areas of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018, during the one-year mark of the deadly white nationalist rally.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
State Police arrest a local resident, John Miska, in the locked down downtown area in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018. Miska purchased razor blades, which are banned items, in a downtown drugstore. On the the anniversary of white supremacist violence, state and local authorities framed the weekend’s heightened security as a necessary precaution.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
A group of anti-fascist and Black Lives Matter demonstrators march on the campus of the University of Virginia after a rally to mark the anniversary of last year’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
A student-led protest against the University of Virginia’s response to last year’s deadly protest and against white supremacy takes place Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
A student-led protest descends at Lambeth. The protesters are addressing the increased police presence at the University of Virginia that was brought in for the one-year mark of the deadly white nationalist rally.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
A student-led protest descends at Lambeth. The protesters are addressing the increased police presence at the University of Virginia that was brought in for the one-year mark of the deadly white nationalist rally.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
University of Virginia graduate Claire Carlson, fixes her hair during an interview in the downtown area of Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018. She was involved in last years torch lit white supremacist rally at the school.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
State Police take a break in an office above a closed bridal shop in the downtown area of Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018. Police locked down the area in anticipation of the anniversary of last year’s Unite the Right rally.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
A protester confronts riot gear-clad police on the campus of the University of Virginia during a rally to mark the anniversary of last year’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
A Police bike patrol takes a break in the downtown area in anticipation of the anniversary of last year’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018. State and local authorities framed the weekend’s heightened security as a necessary precaution.
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
AP Photo/Steve Helber
Protesters shout, “All these cops have got to go,” suring a student-led rally against the University of Virginia’s response during last year’s deadly white nationalist rally.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
A student-led protest against the University of Virginia’s response to last year’s deadly protest and against white supremacy takes place Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
Part of the student-led protest at the University if Virginia in Charlottesville veers from the permit area on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
Police declare a group of protesters who veered from the permit area on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018, an “unlawful assembly.”
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
Police declared a group of protesters who veered from the permit area on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018, an “unlawful assembly.”
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
One of the issues the student-led protest addresses is the increased police presence on the campus of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, one-year after white nationalists marched on campus in a torch-lit rally and surrounded protesters.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
One of the issues the student-led protest addresses is the increased police presence on the campus of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, one-year after white nationalists marched on campus in a torch-lit rally and surrounded protesters.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
People gather outside the fenced off area of the rotunda at the University of Virginia on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018, during a student-led protest against the university and white supremacy.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
Various groups and people include clergy, religious groups, people from Black Lives Matter converge in Charlottesville, Virginia, for the one-year mark of the deadly clash between white nationalists and counterprotesters.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
A student-led protest against the University of Virginia’s response to last year’s deadly protest and against white supremacy takes place Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(WTOP/Max Smith)
WTOP/Max Smith
A student-led protest against the University of Virginia’s response to last year’s deadly protest and against white supremacy takes place Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018.
(WTOP/Max Smith)