Courtesy @Colliding_Waves

Courtesy @stimpy1808

Courtesy @sapna46664

Courtesy @TrinityDC

Courtesy @Chughesfox
@WTOP #wtop pic.twitter.com/vMYqgv3v1i
— Harrison Jones (@h_jonesphoto) April 5, 2016

Courtesy @SeanTHenderson

Courtesy @NeisaCondemaita

Courtesy @juliaandtommy

WTOP/Samantha Loss
What a treat from NoMa, DC @capitalweather @PoPville @WTOP #rainbow pic.twitter.com/MwVdvyqqGT
— Elizabeth (@cheererowe) April 4, 2016

WTOP/Kristi King
April showers bring pretty rainbows! #DC pic.twitter.com/PlUUIGc7sI
— Keara Dowd (@KGDowd) April 4, 2016

Courtesy @Ryan_C_Mills

Courtesy @AndrewEMertens

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WASHINGTON — A rainbow could be spotted over the D.C.-area Thursday — bring color on a day that was largely cloudy and gloomy.
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