In 1969, peace demonstrators staged activities across the country as part of a “moratorium” against the Vietnam War. Here's a look at photos from the events.
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Alan Cranstonn A rocket on display at Los Angeles Exposition Park across the street from the University of Southern California campus is a backdrop (center background) as U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston speaks at a Moratorium Day rally on Oct. 15, 1969 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/HF)
AP Photo/HF
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Los Angeles 1969 Rocket Display A rocket on display at Los Angeles Exposition Park across the street from the University of Southern California campus is a backdrop (center background) as U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston speaks at a Moratorium Day rally on Oct. 15, 1969 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/HF)
AP Photo/HF
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Boston Anti War Supporters Diane Kittredge of Winchester and Harvard Medical School, signs up a supporter on Vietnam Moratorium Day on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1969 at Park Street on Boston Common in Boston. Watching is Dr. Elman R. Blout, left, and Gary J. Soverow of Wilbraham and Harvard Medical School. Medical schools, hospitals, and physicians were gathering signatures on postal cards to send to President Nixon requesting withdrawal of troops from Viet Nam. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in St Louis 1969 War Veteran A man who would identify himself only as a veteran of World War I and II, interrupted an anti-war rally on Oct. 15, 1969 at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis to tell a young woman student who supported the Moratorium: Youre not white youre yellow. He was booed by those around him. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Boston Students from Boston area colleges bearing signs march onto Boston Common for rally in observance of Vietnam Moratorium Day on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1969 in Boston. A 100,000 persons are expected to gather in protest of continuation of the war. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Cincinnati 1969 An infant, carried like a papoose on her mothers back, was among the milling thousands on Cincinnatis Government Square in Cincinnati on Oct. 15, 1969 as part of Moratorium Day celebrations. She didnt get a good view of the speakers. (AP Photo/GS)
AP Photo/GS
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Boston Anti War Supporters Diane Kittredge of Winchester and Harvard Medical School, signs up a supporter on Vietnam Moratorium Day on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1969 at Park Street on Boston Common in Boston. Watching is Dr. Elman R. Blout, left, and Gary J. Soverow of Wilbraham and Harvard Medical School. Medical schools, hospitals, and physicians were gathering signatures on postal cards to send to President Nixon requesting withdrawal of troops from Viet Nam. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in St Louis 1969 Opposition Carrying American Flag Larry Burroughs, 19, carried the American flag around the quadrangle of St. Louis University on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1969 in St. Louis while many other students joined in Moratorium Day activities designed to protest against the Vietnam War. Burroughs wanted to attend classes but said one was canceled despite a vote by students to have it. He, and other students who wore flag emblems on their sleeves, said they backed Nixon administration efforts. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Los Angeles 1969 Rocket Display A rocket on display at Los Angeles Exposition Park across the street from the University of Southern California campus is a backdrop (center background) as U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston speaks at a Moratorium Day rally on Oct. 15, 1969 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/HF)
AP Photo/HF
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Texas War Demosrators American Flag Upside-down Wearing an anti-war sign, Gavin Bigger 2½, sits with his mother, Mrs. Gloria Bigger, at the moratorium day gathering on Oct. 15, 1969 in Dallas, Texas. The group met on the bank of a lake, flew the American flag upside down and made speeches denouncing the Vietnam War. (AP Photo/FK)
AP Photo/FK
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Atlanta 250-300 people attended a very placid rally, heard speakers on Oct. 15, 1969 at Emory University in Atlanta. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Vietnam Moratorium 1969 Demonstrators in Bryant Park gather for Moratorium Day in New York City, Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Moratorium Day 1969 General views of Moratorium Day, Oct. 15, 1969, Washington, D.C. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Moratorium Day 1969 General views of Moratorium Day, Oct. 15, 1969, Washington, D.C. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Moratorium Day 1969 General views of Moratorium Day, Oct. 15, 1969, Washington, D.C. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Berkeley Crowd Raining General views of Moratorium Day on Oct. 15, 1969 at the University of California in Berkeley. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Berkeley Raining General views of Moratorium Day on Oct. 15, 1969 at the University of California in Berkeley. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Whittier, President Nixon?s handling of the Vietnam situation played at the rear of a crowd attending a Moratorium Day rally campus of Whittier College in Whittier, Calif., on Oct. 15, 1969 (AP Photo/WF)
AP Photo/WF
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Atlanta 250-300 people attended a very placid rally, heard speakers on Oct. 15, 1969 at Emory University in Atlanta. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Atlanta 250-300 people attended a very placid rally, heard speakers on Oct. 15, 1969 at Emory University in Atlanta. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Whittier, President Nixons handling of the Vietnam situation played at the rear of a crowd attending a Moratorium Day rally campus of Whittier College in Whittier, Calif., on Oct. 15, 1969.(AP Photo/WF)
AP Photo/WF
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Berkeley Raining General views of Moratorium Day on Oct. 15, 1969 at the University of California in Berkeley. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Whittier, President Nixons handling of the Vietnam situation played at the rear of a crowd attending a Moratorium Day rally campus of Whittier College in Whittier, Calif., on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo/WF)
AP Photo/WF
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Whittier, President Nixon?s handling of the Vietnam situation played at the rear of a crowd attending a Moratorium Day rally campus of Whittier College in Whittier, Calif., on Oct. 15, 1969.(AP Photo/WF)
AP Photo/WF
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 South Bend View of Moratorium Day at Notre Dame U, South Bend, Ind. on Oct. 15, 1969. Students speaking on campus with statue of the founder of the University, Eduardi Sorin, looking on. (AP Photo/CEK)
AP Photo/CEK
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 South Bend View of Moratorium Day at Notre Dame U, South Bend, Ind. on Oct. 15, 1969. Students speaking on campus with statue of the founder of the University, Eduardi Sorin, looking on. (AP Photo/CEK)
AP Photo/CEK
Demonstration Moratorium Day 1969 Berkeley General views of Moratorium Day on Oct. 15, 1969 at the University of California in Berkeley. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Mike Brannen, Susan Schwenker Mike Brannen of Basking Ridge, N.J., consoles Susan Schwenker of Columbia, S.C., after their reading of names of the Vietnam War dead in Columbia, South Caroline on Oct. 15, 1969. Both are students at the University of South Caroline. (AP Photo/LK)
AP Photo/LK
Demonstration Moratorium Day in St Louis 1969 War Veteran A man who would identify himself only as a veteran of World War I and II, interrupted an anti-war rally on Oct. 15, 1969 at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis to tell a young woman student who supported the Moratorium: Youre not white youre yellow. He was booed by those around him. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Jim Sickler, Hank Yeiser Jim Sickler, right, the artist and his friend Hank Yeiser were carrying this around Cincinnatis new Fountain Square Plaza during celebration of Moratorium Day on Oct. 15, 1969 in Cincinnati. Asked to explain the painting, Sickler said: Its a symbol of togetherness. Marijuana growing out of a billy club. Its their symbol and ours, meaning we are getting together. Plain clothes detectives, viewing the painting, declined comment. (AP Photo/GS)
AP Photo/GS
Demonstration Texas War Demosrators American Flag Upside-down A group of Vietnam War protesters gather on the bank of White Rock Lake on Oct. 15, 1969 in Dallas, Texas, and fly the American flag upside-down as they take part in the moratorium day observance. In the background across the lake is the palatial home of multi-millionaire H.L. Hunt. (AP Photo/FK)
AP Photo/FK
Vietnam Moratorium 1969 An American flag decal adorns a window of the towering Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh, where more than 1,000 students planted wooden crosses in the lawn in the shape of a peace symbol in Pittsburgh to support the Vietnam Day moratorium, Oct. 15, 1969. The 137 wooden crosses bore the names of men from Allegheny County who have died in Vietnam. (AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)
AP Photo/Harry Cabluck
Vietnam Moratorium Day Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), forms a "V" with his fingers and waves to crowd as he leaves Boston hotel, Oct. 15, 1969, Vietnam Moratorium Day, after addressing the world affairs council. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Vietnam Moratorium Day Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), forms a "V" with his fingers and waves to crowd as he leaves Boston hotel, Oct. 15, 1969, Vietnam Moratorium Day, after addressing the world affairs council. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Vietnam Moratorium Day Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), forms a "V" with his fingers and waves to crowd as he leaves Boston hotel, Oct. 15, 1969, Vietnam Moratorium Day, after addressing the world affairs council. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Moratorium Day Demonstrators Moratorium Day demonstrators fill the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Oct. 15, 1969 in Washington. Many of the protestors were staff members of senators and representatives. (AP Photo/Charles Tasnadi)
AP Photo/Charles Tasnadi
Moratorium Day Demonstrators Moratorium Day demonstrators fill the steps of the U.S. Capitol on October 15, 1969 in Washington. Many of the protestors were staff members of senators and representatives. (AP Photo/CT)
AP Photo/CT
Moratorium Day 1969 Senator Edward M. Kennedy speaking, at Moratorium Day at Somerset Hotel in Boston on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
anti-war protest Since the 1960s, protests and counter-protests in the nation's capital include signs -- a design pro offers tips for making an eye-catching one. (File, AP Photo)
File, AP Photo
candle light; demonstrations; protest; vigil Thousands of candle-carrying peace marchers leave the Washington monument grounds for a walk around the White House in Washington, Oct. 15, 1969. Photograph was made from the top of the 555-foot monument with the marchers funneling into the path toward the Executive Mansion, top. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Vietnam Moratorium 1969 Opponents of the war in Vietnam massed in protest in a crowd, estimated by police, of 12,000 persons, mostly young people, that jammed Point State Park in Pittsburgh, Oct. 15, 1969. This rally concluded a 15-block peace march that began two hours earlier at Freedom Corner in this citys African American Hill District. (AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)
AP Photo/Harry Cabluck
Vietnam Moratorium 1969 At the University of Pittsburgh, more than 1,000 students planted wooden crosses in the lawn in the shape of a peace symbol in Pittsburgh to support the Vietnam Day moratorium, Oct. 15, 1969. The 137 wooden crosses bore the names of men from Allegheny County who have died in Vietnam. (AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)
AP Photo/Harry Cabluck
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Silent Vigil Moratorium Day silent vigil on front steps of the Capitol in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Vietnam Moratorium 1969 Demonstrators in Bryant Park gather for Moratorium Day in New York City, Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Moratorium 1969 Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York gives the peace sign during rally, Oct. 15, 1969 in front of Low Library at Columbia University in New York City, Oct. 15, 1969. Mayor Lindsay, and Columbia President Andrew Cordier, spoke at the war moratorium rally which drew crowd of 10,000 on the city campus. (AP Photo)
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Demonstration Anti Vietnam Moratorium 1969 Night Peace marchers pass shoulder to shoulder in front of the White House during an hour-long candlelight procession marking the end of Vietnam Moratorium Day in the nation?s capital in Washington on Oct. 16, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Anti Vietnam Moratorium 1969 Night Peace marchers, carrying candles, pass the White House during the hour-long procession which ended the Vietnam Moratorium Day activities in Washington at night on Oct. 15, 1969. The streaks of light are caused by the candle?s movement during the combined time and electronic flash exposure. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Vietnam Moratorium 1969 In silhouette Miami artist Van Dercar studies the concrete peace symbol built in front of his house, Oct. 14, 1969 in Miami - a fitting statue to go with Wednesdays war moratorium. (AP Photo/Toby Massey)
AP Photo/Toby Massey
Moratorium 1969 President Richard Nixon speaks out at a People-to-People awards ceremony at the White House in Washington, Oct. 14, 1969, which also observed the 79th birthday of the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Mamie Eisenhower is at his side. Behind them is James P. Doty, president of the People-to-People program. The chief executive, facing a nationwide Vietnam Moratorium Day, said the debate is about how to bring about not a temporary, but a lasting peace in the war-torn country. (AP Photo/Henry Burroughs)
AP Photo/Henry Burroughs
Moratorium 1969 Jerome Grossman, 52, president of Massachusetts Envelope Co., who conceived the idea of a Vietnam Moratorium Day sits in his office, Oct. 14, 1969 in Boston with a poster. Grossman said on the eve of the unprecedented peace demonstrations that I think that I would not be able to stand it if I lost a son in a war like this. (AP Photo/Bill Chaplis)
AP Photo/Bill Chaplis
Katherine Cam Katherine L. Cam, President of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, carries an arm-lead of miniature flag-draped casket which she helped deliver to members of Congress on Oct. 14, 1969 in Washington. The group said that the presentations were a symbol of mourning for Americans dead in Vietnam. (AP Photo/CPG)
AP Photo/CPG
Vietnam Moratorium 1969 At the University of Pittsburgh, more than 1,000 students planted wooden crosses in the lawn in the shape of a peace symbol in Pittsburgh to support the Vietnam Day moratorium, Oct. 15, 1969. The 137 wooden crosses bore the names of men from Allegheny County who have died in Vietnam. (AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)
AP Photo/Harry Cabluck
Moratorium 1969 Jerome Grossman, 52, president of Massachusetts Envelope Co., who conceived the idea of a Vietnam Moratorium Day sits in his office, Oct. 14, 1969 in Boston with a poster. Grossman said on the eve of the unprecedented peace demonstrations that I think that I would not be able to stand it if I lost a son in a war like this. (AP Photo/Bill Chaplis)
AP Photo/Bill Chaplis
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Crowd of Moratorium Day participants crowd the base of the Washington Monument at night on Oct. 15, 1969 in Washington as they attend a rally before marching to the White House in a silent, candlelight procession. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Shown in photo is a General view of Moratorium Day in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Anti Vietnam Moratorium 1969 Night Peace marchers, carrying candles, pass the White House during the hour-long procession which ended the Vietnam Moratorium Day activities in Washington at night on Oct. 15, 1969. The streaks of light are caused by the candle?s movement during the combined time and electronic flash exposure. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Silent Vigil Crowd of Moratorium Day participants crowd the base of the Washington Monument at night on Oct. 15, 1969 in Washington as they attend a rally before marching to the White House in a silent, candlelight procession. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Katherine Cam Katherine L. Cam, President of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, carries an arm-lead of miniature flag-draped casket which she helped deliver to members of Congress on Oct. 14, 1969 in Washington. The group said that the presentations were a symbol of mourning for Americans dead in Vietnam. (AP Photo/CPG)
AP Photo/CPG
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Silent Vigil Moratorium Day silent vigil on front steps of the Capitol in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Moratorium Day demonstrations on Oct. 15, 1969 at the Washington Monument and at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration Anti Vietnam Moratorium 1969 Moratorium Day silent vigil on front steps of the Capitol in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Silent Vigil Moratorium Day silent vigil on front steps of the Capitol in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Silent Vigil Moratorium Day silent vigil on front steps of the Capitol in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Silent Vigil Moratorium Day silent vigil on front steps of the Capitol in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Night Moratorium Day demonstrations on Oct. 15, 1969 at the Washington Monument and at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Silent Vigil Moratorium Day silent vigil on front steps of the Capitol in Washington on Oct. 15, 1969. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Moratorium Day demonstrations on Oct. 15, 1969 at the Washington Monument and at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo)
AP Photo
Demonstration U.S. Moratorium Day in Washington 1969 Moratorium Day demonstrations on Oct. 15, 1969 at the Washington Monument and at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo)