Father’s Day was the late-Tim Russert’s favorite holiday. The TV-news legend and former host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” wrote books about fatherhood and loved being a dad, according to his son Luke.
In 2008, he died just days before the holiday at the age of 58.
“I used to be very fearful of Father’s Day,” Luke Russert said. “It was a difficult day.”
In his new book “Look For Me There,” Russert tells of his father’s untimely death, his career in journalism and following his father’s footsteps. He also speaks of why, ultimately, he choose to leave Washington, D.C. in order to properly grieve the loss of his beloved father and find himself.
The book chronicles his sudden departure from the nation’s capital, as well as his journeys to six continents and over 67 countries.
This Father’s Day marks the first since publishing his now New York Times bestselling book.
“I’m much more at a place of peace,” Russert told WTOP. “It took me many years to get here, but I do think that our lost loved ones would — more so than anything really — want us to be happy when we think about them, not beset by pain and anguish and sadness.”
Despite this newfound peace, Russert underlined the need for widespread recognition that Father’s Day isn’t a happy day for many.
“I do think it’s important that we as a society are mindful of how difficult Father’s Day and Mother’s Day can be for a lot of people,” Russert said. “Not even if it’s a loss, because some people will have strained relationships with their parents and whatnot. And I’m happy that in the last few years, we’ve gotten to a place where we can talk about that a little bit.”
In the book, Russert points to travel, solitude, meditation and reflection as key to attaining peace over the loss of his father.
“So on Father’s Day now, especially with the way this book has resonated, I feel like it’s helped people. It just puts a smile on my face,” Russert said. “I know my father would be happy.”