Fairfax Co. detective catches Ill. man trying to solicit sex from teen girl: police

Fairfax County police vehicle. July 2018. (WTOP/Dave Dildine)

WASHINGTON — An Illinois man is facing four felony charges and will be extradited to Fairfax County after he was caught trying to solicit sex from who he thought was a 13-year-old girl online, authorities say.

That “13-year-old girl” was actually a Fairfax County police detective.

Martin Bollhorst, 54, was arrested Tuesday and faces four counts of using a communications system to facilitate certain offenses involving children.

Bollhorst first made contact this past July. Over the course of multiple conversations, he allegedly solicited sex numerous times.

Fairfax County police, the Illinois Attorney General’s internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Will County (Illinois) State’s Attorney James Glasgow’s Crimes Against Children Unit, the Bradley Police Department, the Kankakee County Sheriff’s Department and the U.S. Marshals Great Lakes Regional Fugitive Task Force all collaborated on the case.

Will Vitka

William Vitka is a Digital Writer/Editor for WTOP.com. He's been in the news industry for over a decade. Before joining WTOP, he worked for CBS News, Stuff Magazine, The New York Post and wrote a variety of books—about a dozen of them, with more to come.

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