Rosslyn landlords are marking the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks with record participation in this year's Flags Across Rosslyn.
Flags Across Rosslyn started spontaneously after the 2001 attacks on the Pentagon in Arlington and the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
A flag hangs in Rosslyn, Virginia, on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in Arlington and New York City.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
Buildings in Rosslyn, Virginia, displayed the American flag in remembrance of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
The flags can be viewed throughout Rosslyn, but one of the best viewing perches is from the Iwo Jima Memorial.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
Flags Across Rosslyn started spontaneously after the 2001 attacks on the Pentagon in Arlington and the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
The Rosslyn Business Improvement District now helps coordinate with landlords a few days before the flags go up.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
Participating landlords include Monday Properties, Tishman-Speyer, AREP, JBG Smith, Cushman & Wakefield, Brookfield, The Wade Company and Lincoln Property Company.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
American flags hang from the tops of buildings in a show of patriotism and remembrance.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
This year, 29 buildings are taking part in the Flags Across Rosslyn event.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District
The flags will remain in place through Sept. 14.
(Courtesy Rosslyn Business Improvement District)
WASHINGTON — Rosslyn landlords are marking the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks with record participation in this year’s Flags Across Rosslyn, hanging large American flags from the tops of their buildings in a show of patriotism and remembrance.
This year, 29 buildings are taking part. Landlords include Monday Properties, Tishman-Speyer, AREP, JBG Smith, Cushman & Wakefield, Brookfield, The Wade Company and Lincoln Property Company.
The flags will remain in place through Sept. 14.
Flags Across Rosslyn started spontaneously after the 2001 attacks on the Pentagon in Arlington and the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.
The Rosslyn Business Improvement District now helps coordinate with landlords a few days before the flags go up.
The flags can be viewed throughout Rosslyn, but one of the best viewing perches is from the Iwo Jima Memorial.
Jeff Clabaugh has spent 20 years covering the Washington region's economy and financial markets for WTOP as part of a partnership with the Washington Business Journal, and officially joined the WTOP newsroom staff in January 2016.