It’s a simple formula: Improved access to fitness opportunities can translate to better health and less need for costly medical interventions. Some health insurers have even recognized that offering a fitness benefit to members can help delay or reduce their overall expenditures.
That means your exercise class might help boost the bottom line, and many insurers are looking to capitalize on that reality.
One program that can help do all that for seniors is called SilverSneakers, which may already be a benefit in your existing health insurance plan.
What Is SilverSneakers?
SilverSneakers is a fitness benefit available to older adults through many Medicare plans. It provides access to more than 20,000 fitness and exercise facilities, including YMCAs, municipal recreation centers and other community-based facilities.
“Members can also access hundreds of weekly live virtual classes and a digital curriculum of thousands of on-demand classes and virtual programs focusing on balance, fall prevention, strength, flexibility, cardiovascular health and more,” adds Stacey Santo, chief engagement and innovation officer at Tivity Health, the parent company of SilverSneakers.
The lifestyle program is continually working to expand its healthy aging programming beyond fitness with classes and programs on topics — such as nutrition, technology adoption, chronic condition management and stress relief — delivered through the SilverSneakers Live platform.
“In addition, SilverSneakers offers mental enrichment for seniors with opportunities to stay intellectually engaged and maintain brain health through virtual classes and activities,” Santo says.
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Does Medicare Cover SilverSneakers?
While original Medicare (parts A and B) doesn’t offer SilverSneakers, many Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare supplement carriers and group retiree plans do.
Keep in mind as well: SilverSneakers is probably the best-known fitness membership option available for seniors, but it isn’t the only one. Medicare Advantage plans may also offer similar programs, such as Renew Active, Silver&Fit and One Pass.
“All of these allow you to work out at the gym or find classes online at no cost to you,” says Stephanie Pogue, a St. Louis-based certified Medicare insurance planner and the CEO of St. Louis Insurance Group in Chesterfield, Missouri.
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How Much Does SilverSneakers Cost?
SilverSneakers will not hit your wallet.
“There is no cost to the client since it’s included in the Medicare Advantage plan,” Pogue explains.
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What Is the Eligibility for SilverSneakers?
Enrollees who have a Medicare Advantage plan that includes a SilverSneakers benefit are eligible to participate in the program. Check your plan details for more information on whether it’s included.
Although SilverSneakers is designed for older adults, there’s no actual age requirement. The only requirement is that you have a Medicare Advantage plan — or a related plan — that offers SilverSneakers as one of its benefits.
How Does SilverSneakers Work?
It’s simple: If your gym, community center or other workout facility is in the SilverSneakers network, the insurance plan will pay your membership fees.
Just show your SilverSneakers member ID at the location, and you can obtain a basic membership, which usually includes access to cardio machines, free weights, a track, a pool and other fitness equipment.
You may also get access to some fitness classes, but the facility might charge extra for certain ones — it just depends on how the facility structures their SilverSneakers options. Check for participating locations online.
A big upside to the program is that you don’t have to stay in one place.
“Eligible members can work out at as many locations as they would like,” Santo says. “If they are traveling or prefer activities at more than one location, they have options.”
Pogue adds that her clients love that feature.
“They can join as many gyms or community centers as they want to, and their membership fees are paid for,” she notes. “I have several clients who belong to one gym because it has the best pool and another gym because it has the best walking track or yoga class.”
SilverSneakers Benefits
Regular physical activity and exercise are good for supporting wellness, health and longevity. For seniors in particular, staying fit can pay huge dividends.
“Even if you start a workout routine later in life, the benefits to your brain and body are great,” Santo says.
Benefits can include:
— Improved mental function
— Lowered risk of developing chronic illnesses
— Enhanced mobility and flexibility
— Better weight control and blood sugar management
— Improved strength and endurance
“Physical well-being is still at the top of the list, but emotional, social and mental well-being are much more part of the conversation, and we’ve learned what an important part of our health those things are in recent years,” Santo notes.
Why You Shouldn’t Choose a Medicare Plan Based on SilverSneakers
Certainly, a program that gets and keeps you exercising more is a worthwhile inclusion in any health care plan you select. However, when choosing a Medicare plan, you’ll need to weigh a bunch of options and benefits and determine what fits your budget while meeting your needs. Ensuring that you can keep seeing your preferred doctors and that the prescriptions and pharmacy you use are in-network should take precedence.
In addition, no insurer is required to include SilverSneakers as part of its mix of benefits, and your plan may choose to discontinue offering it from year to year as it sees fit.
How Can I Find a Medicare Plan With SilverSneakers Benefits?
You can search for plans that offer fitness benefits on Medicare.gov or by talking to an independent Medicare insurance broker.
You can also contact your local senior center or Area Agency on Aging for more resources and guidance.
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What Is SilverSneakers and Does Medicare Cover It? originally appeared on usnews.com
Update 03/20/25: This story was previously published at an earlier date and has been updated with new information.