International College Freshmen: Mistakes to Avoid

Misha Bilokur from Ukraine says the mistakes he made during his freshman year as a physics major at Princeton University in New Jersey made him a more independent and resourceful international student.

One mistake he made was not arranging for bedding. He advises ordering bedding to be mailed to your college housing or packing it in your suitcase. “It will at least save you from having to sleep on a bare mattress,” he says.

Small and big mistakes happen and are expected at college, especially as a freshman international student. But there are ways to prevent and overcome them.

“Advocate for yourself,” Bilokur says. “Be it a dining hall lady that tries to charge you for re-entering the dining hall after a bathroom break or the registrar’s office that maintains that you have to retake a placement test due to having taken a gap year, you will be amazed at how powerful a friendly explanation or a polite email can be.”

A little knowledge and preparation can go a long way for an international student. Here are 12 common mistakes to avoid when beginning freshman year at a U.S. college or university.

Not Immediately Booking Flights

Some colleges offer orientation a few days earlier just for international students to get settled in and connect with the international student office.

“Early orientations also sometimes include a light tour of the area surrounding the college to help new students familiarize themselves with their new surroundings,” says Gina Wilner, a college planning consultant at Advantage College Planning.

[READ: 4 Ways International Freshmen Can Develop Active Social Lives.]

Orientation is designed to help new students connect socially and learn how to navigate their new home, such as finding classrooms, the health center and computer labs.

“As soon as your college sends out messaging with dates for orientation, be sure to book your travel,” Wilner says.

Not Connecting With Other Students Before Arrival

Universities often organize social media events to connect new students with other incoming and enrolled students in each class before orientation.

“It can feel a bit awkward or cringey to put yourself out there by creating a Facebook or Instagram post about yourself, but just remember that everyone else is feeling the same way,” Wilner says.

She says these can be great opportunities to meet a prospective roommate and begin finding connections and familiar faces before move-in.

Not Arriving a Little Earlier

Sarah Lopolito, associate dean and director of the Office of Global Engagement at Clark University in Massachusetts, advises arriving at least a day or two early before orientation, if possible. Students can “get acclimated to being in a new time zone in a new country” and “accomplish a few items like setting up a bank account and a cell phone before orientation even starts,” she says.

Or find your dorm room.

First-year Indian student Aryadeep Ray, a data science major, says his first day on campus at Clark was filled with excitement, confusion and the wrong dorm room.

“Thought I found Narnia! Lesson learned — maps are friends,” Ray says.

Forgetting to Call Home Upon Arrival

Students may be excited to start their new life, but family need to know you arrived safe and sound.

Lopolito says students who forget to contact their parents or college on arrival could “lead to a frantic call to university police and other offices as parents try to track down their children.”

[Read: 3 Steps International College Students Should Take Before Coming to Campus]

Contacting family when landing is important, she says, since there will be Wi-Fi at the airport and an internet connection may not yet be set up at your new residence.

“Checking in over those first few days will help put their nerves at ease and hopefully help you feel connected during this time of transition as well,” Wilner says.

Not Getting Money Changed

Experts say it’s wise to travel with some cash and have that money changed to American dollars.

Apart from getting money changed, Bilokur recommends getting a credit card.

“If your wallet gets stolen, your money will be perfectly safe, as most credit card owners are not liable for fraudulent charges. It also quietly builds your credit score if you’re paying back on time,” Bilokur says.

Letting Jet Lag Overwhelm You

Jet lag is to be expected as students arrive, but experts suggest planning accordingly.

“If possible, plan your arrival to allow some time to adjust to a new time zone,” Lopolito says.

Students can reduce the effects of jet lag by eating at regular meal times and drinking enough water, she says.

Missing Course Registration

Classes can fill up fast, and missing course registration may cause a student to lose out on a needed or desired class.

Students should plan to take a variety of classes in different majors their first year, says Ethan Sawyer, founder of the College Essay Guy website. “You never know if the right subject or professor may inspire you in a new major or career path, or at least toward a newer focus.”

Elena Perez from Costa Rica, an economics major at Clark, did that during her freshman year and highly recommends it.

“Explore before committing to any major,” she says. “Take advantage of the liberal arts aspect of the university.”

Buying All Books From the School Bookstore

“College textbooks in the U.S. can be expensive!” Wilner says. “College bookstores offer a few different options for obtaining the required materials for each course.”

Students can buy new or used books, rent books, buy online or borrow from the school library.

“Students can shop around for the best price,” Lopolito says. “Just be sure to check the ISBN to avoid purchasing the incorrect edition.”

Making Friends Only With Freshmen or Students From Your Country

Diana Vicezar from Paraguay, a cognitive science major at Pitzer College in California, says she didn’t speak to anyone in her classes her first semester because of her accent.

“It turned out that all the students were very kind and understanding,” Vicezar says.

U.S. campuses are known for their diversity and students from other countries offer new perspectives, Lopolito says, adding that upperclassmen “can offer first-year students great advice and insights on navigating school.”

Wilner recommends international students connect with other students, particularly native U.S. students who “will give you a broader exposure to our country’s culture and help to expand your perspective.”

[Read: Next Steps for International Students Accepted at U.S. Universities.]

Not Handling Financial Issues

Vicezar didn’t know how to open a bank account or get her Social Security number when she arrived.

“Ask your designated school official or someone at the international students office to help you with all the requirements as soon as you arrive on campus,” she says. “Take the initiative, ask questions.”

Students should also make a plan to cover all of their expenses, Lopolito says, such as tuition, housing, food, transportation, clothing and entertainment.

“International student visas do not allow for off-campus work in most situations, so students may not be able to earn their own money while abroad at school,” she says.

Taking Advice Only From International Students

A school’s international student office is the best resource for all questions an international student may have, experts say.

“Students may receive incorrect information from their peers on important aspects of maintaining their visa status,” Lopolito says. “Students should always check with a school official for questions about employment, full-time course load and travel.”

Being Involved Too Much or Too Little

Being under-involved can prevent gaining the full international student experience, but experts recommend not going overboard, either. Instead, create a balance with school-related activities.

“Overscheduling yourself too much the first year and not creating space in your life and calendar for the initiatives, conversations, classes or ideas that might come up that you may otherwise not have time to enjoy” can be a mistake, Sawyer says.

Vicezar, now a senior, says she joined six clubs her first semester, but by the end of the semester she felt stretched too thin. She left the clubs she couldn’t commit time to “and couldn’t be happier,” she says.

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International College Freshmen: Mistakes to Avoid originally appeared on

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