Most of us appreciate convenience, especially as it relates to where we buy our stuff. The opportunity to walk, pedal or drive — for the suburbanites among us — a short distance to the market, pharmacy, restaurant, coffee shop, dry cleaner, whatever you need, is not to be taken for granted.
And when it comes to groceries, we appreciate options, too. Wegmans is great for premade food but doesn’t carry many of the brand name items Giant does. Money may be tight: enter Aldi, Lidl or fledgling Amazon Fresh. Maybe you want organic and have money to burn — it’s a Whole Foods day. Or a Trader Joe’s day. Or a Safeway day. Or MOM’s. Or Food Lion. Or Sprouts. Or Costco, for those days when seven pounds of chicken just isn’t enough.
Developers know this: The supermarket-anchored shopping center is a gold mine. Where there is food to buy, there is usually foot traffic. Where there is foot traffic, there is every reason to charge your tenants a higher monthly rent.
This is the world…
Read the full story from the Washington Business Journal.