8 Money Experts Answer: ‘What Are the Best Ways to Stretch a Dollar?’

As the beginning of a new year approaches, there’s no better time to assess how you can improve your finances in 2016. Sometimes, the most effective change you can make is to stretch your money just a little further.

But as simple as it sounds, asking yourself, “What are the best ways to stretch a dollar?” doesn’t have one clear-cut answer. GOBankingRates posed the question to eight influential experts in personal finance today, each of them finalists in the fifth annual GOBankingRates Best Money Expert competition.

Here’s how they responded to the question.

1. Freeze your spending habits.

“Go on a spending freeze with your partner, colleagues or best friends,” says Nicole Lapin, news anchor, author of “Ritch Bitch” and U.S. News My Money blogger. “Create a support system and help each other.”

Lapin suggests several ways to team up and make saving money a group effort. Avoid the inflated costs of eating and drinking out — instead, make it a “friends’ night in” by buying inexpensive wine and snacks. Another fun way to stretch your dollars, Lapin says, is to start a friendly “Biggest Debt Loser” competition with your friends. That way, you can share with each other how you’re cutting your costs; negotiating lower cellphone bills or interest rates are just a couple examples.

Having a support network is helpful to “talk you off the edge” of making impulsive purchases, Lapin says. Interested in a new handbag? Before splurging, take a photo of it and text it to a friend. Show that you have the willpower to put it down and pass up on buying it.

Lapin also advocates swapping clothing among friends instead of wasting money on new items. “As money issues become more intense, a like-minded community will keep you sane and moving in the right direction,” she says.

2. Invest your money.

Robert Kiyosaki, a three-time Best Money Expert winner, is known the world over for “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” the No. 1 best-selling personal finance book of all time. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck or letting your earnings stagnate in a low-yield bank account, Kiyosaki’s advice is simple:

“Invest it! Put your money to work for you instead of working for money all your life,” he says.

Over time, investing in well-performing stocks and bonds can build a sizable nest egg, helping you get more out of your finances.

3. Pay with cash whenever possible.

In this day and age of online banking and mobile payments, using physical cash might seem passe. But Clark Howard of “The Clark Howard Radio Show” says you should be using it as often as you can.

“Pay in cash for whatever you can, using envelopes to divvy up your money and keep you within budget,” Howard says.

This strategy is in line with his “money in your pocket” mantra. Using the envelope method as a budgeting tool is a simple way to divide up cash according to your monthly expenses.

“You simply take envelopes and write ‘groceries’ on one, ‘utilities’ on another, ‘walking around money’ on a third — whatever it is in your life that requires money,” Howard says. Using this system, you’ll find that you have exactly the amount you need in each envelope and for each spending category, which can prevent going over budget.

4. Maximize your saving opportunities.

Author and financial reporter Jeanette Pavini is well-acquainted with helping people stretch their dollars as far as they can go. As the national spokeswoman for Coupons.com, she’s a staunch advocate of finding discounts and deals wherever and whenever you can.

“Always look for a way to save and don’t let saving opportunities pass you by,” Pavini says. “I never make a purchase without looking for a coupon or coupon code. In fact, I almost never make a purchase without applying some type of savings.”

To start, Pavini suggests signing up for a rewards credit card offering bonuses on gas or groceries. With the card in hand, buying something as simple as a box of cereal is an opportunity to save.

“[I’ll] apply a coupon from Coupons.com, get 2 percent back in credit card rewards, clip the box top so 10 cents goes to my child’s school and use my grocery store loyalty card so I get points towards gas saving,” she says. “One box of cereal, four different savings strategies. There are so many opportunities to save out there, and it typically only takes a nominal amount of effort to take advantage of them.”

5. Maintain your cash flow.

“Always have a consistent flow so you don’t have to stretch” is the simple advice from Josh Felber, author, career coach, entrepreneur and the 2014 Best Money Expert winner. Felber implores people to compare their savings versus their spending and to work toward spending less than they earn.

Making this happen is as easy as weighing your wants versus your needs and long-term financial goals. Curbing your spending on frivolous or unnecessary purchases leaves more money available to free up your budget.

6. Put grocery spending on a diet.

“We all know about couponing, but saving money is way easier when you know how to stack discounts,” says Kyle Taylor, founder of ThePennyHoarder.com. Taylor believes grocery shopping is one of the best ways to save money in this fashion.

A surefire way to stack up discounts is to visit discounted gift card sites like Raise.com, where cards are reduced up to 25 percent below their face value. As Taylor explains, you’ll save money before even stepping into the store. Then you can stack those savings in tandem with regular coupons and grocery rebates apps such as Ibotta and Checkout 51. Use this method every time you go food shopping.

“Utilizing an all-of-the-above strategy has helped me reduce my grocery bill by more than half,” Taylor says.

7. Learn the art of negotiation.

Whether it’s haggling over the price of a new car or seeking a raise at work, negotiating for a better rate is a proactive, successful way to stretch those dollars far, according to Whitney Johnson, best-selling financial author of “Dare, Dream, Do.”

“Negotiate, even when you think you ‘shouldn’t,'” Johnson says. If you don’t ask, she says, “you will earn too little or spend too much.”

Don’t be afraid to ask; you never know what kind of deal you could get. You can even negotiate revolving expenses, such as your insurance rates, cellphone bill or even your monthly rent. You’ll be glad you did when the savings add up.

8. Be mindful of your spending.

Life coach, motivational speaker and author Tony Robbins says getting the most value out of your dollars means spending them on valuable things.

“The key to stretching the value of a dollar is to spend on things that dramatically enhance your quality of life and stop mindless spending that doesn’t add any value to your life,” he says. “Focus instead on the returns you’ll reap tomorrow.”

Too often, people pressure themselves to think that spending less money — say, when eating out — equates a lesser experience. Not so, according to Robbins.

“Often, you can have the same level of enjoyment, if not more, by doing something simple,” he says. “Next time you’re getting together with your friends, instead of going out for dinner — at a cost, say, of $50 — why not order in a couple pizzas and beers and split the cost among your group? Trade one good time for another, save yourself about $40 each time out and you’ll be way ahead of the game.”

Take this approach as often as you can, and watch the financial benefits pay off. “Do the math,” Robbins says. “Forty dollars a week can save you approximately $2,000 each year — and that $2,000 can help to harness the power of compounding and help you to realize big, big gains over time. How big? How about $500,000 big?” That’s right — with the power of compounding at 8 percent over 40 years, that $40 weekly savings ($2,080 per year) can net you nearly $580,000.

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8 Money Experts Answer: ‘What Are the Best Ways to Stretch a Dollar?’ originally appeared on usnews.com

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