Jasmine Song, special to wtop.com
WASHINGTON — Mosquitoes are no stranger to the sweltering summer heat, and as the temperature continues to rise, these summertime pests multiply.
U.S. News and World Report says there are plenty of affordable ways to keep the pesky bugs from ruining your outdoor fun.
They spoke with Damien Sanchez, a mosquito control specialist from Washington, who says one way to reduce the number of mosquitoes by your property is “to survey your yard for any objects that could hold stagnant water, such as toys, wagons, sandbox lids, sloped-in tarps and bird baths.”
That water can create a breeding site.
You also need to keep up with landscaping, ensuring that leafy foliage is removed from the area — excess foliage provides protection and a moist breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.
Also, dress in light-colored, loose clothing when outdoors. Dark clothing attracts mosquitoes, and tight clothes don’t protect against a mosquito’s proboscis.
Alcohol is another mosquito magnet. The website says that drinking 12 ounces of beer makes you more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes.
An electric fan is another cost-effective method for keeping mosquitoes away. The dreaded blood-suckers are weak flyers, the fan’s breeze can help ward them off.
Probably the best-known strategy for keeping mosquitoes away is the use of various repellents. While some of them are somewhat ineffective, natural options such as organic garlic spray or a bat house are available. You could also consider investing in professional treatment of a serious mosquito problem persists.
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