WASHINGTON – There are lots of discounts for travelers who don’t mind procrastinating.
Many travelers prefer to book rooms in advance at full price, but there are plenty of deals if they are willing to wait until the day of their stay to book a room on a smartphone. Many hotels give last-minute discounts for those who put off booking a room.
The New York Times reports there are several apps offering deals you can download to your phone, including those from major sites such as Booking.com and Kayak and Europe-only apps like Blink or Just Book!
One of the most popular, if not the most popular, is Hotel Tonight which uses “carefully selected hotels,” reports the New York Times. It may also be one of the first hotel apps. Those using this app, like others, can set a price range.
Some apps such as Just Book!, Blink and Hotel Tonight publish their deals as specific times of the day, so comparison shopping can be a problem.
WTOP’s Veronica Robinson contributed to this report. Follow VRobWTOP and @WTOP on Twitter.