Fourteen babies who share a birthday with Britain\'s royal baby got the royal treatment Tuesday at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital.
Patricia Kollappallil of Gaithersburg and her baby Hunter Mathai celebrate sharing a birthday with the royal baby with high tea in their hospital room Tuesday at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Shady Grove Adventist Hospital gave these crown-shaped photo frames to each mom who gave birth Monday. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Rooms with babies born Monday at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital were marked with blue and pink crowns to add to the royal fun. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
The hospital even posted a formal announcement of Tuesday's celebration reflecting the notice posted outside of Buckingham Palace that announced the birth of Prince William and his wife Kate's son. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Patricia Kollappallil of Gaithersburg and her baby Hunter Mathai enjoy a royal celebration Tuesday in their room at Shady Grover Adventist Hospital in Rockville. In January, while pregnant, Kollappallil visited London on a business trip. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Amy Folger of Bethesda and her newborn son Flint. Flint was born Monday and weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces - the same as the royal baby. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
WTOP/Michelle Basch
Amy and Bryan Folger of Bethesda with their newborn son Flint. This is the couple's third child. Flint weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces - the same as the royal baby. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
ROCKVILLE, Md. – Fourteen newborns and their moms got the royal treatment Tuesday at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville.
That’s because the babies were born on the same day as Prince William and his wife Kate’s child, the heir to the British throne.
Amy Folger of Bethesda gave birth Monday to a baby boy named Flint. He has another connection to the royal baby in addition to their shared birthday : Flint’s birth weight.
“Eight pounds, six ounces, I heard the same weight as the (royal baby),” Folger says.
Also giving birth to a boy Monday was Patricia Kollappallil of Gaithersburg, who says she admires the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
“I like the modern kind of royal that Kate and William seem to be. And I’m always picking up magazines and reading about them,” she says.
Kollappallil visited London this past January while she was pregnant. So in a way, her baby Hunter has already been there.
The hospital treated the new moms to high tea in their rooms including a sandwich, pastry and a chocolate covered strawberry.
Paper crowns were placed outside each of their doors. And each mom received a gift of a crown-shaped picture frame to hold their child’s photo.
Folger and her husband Bryan proposed a future throwdown with William, Kate and the baby who could one day become king of England.
“We challenge them to a polo match in 18 years,” Folger said with a laugh.