Volunteer with a meal delivery service for people living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and life- threatening illnesses in the D.C. area. Volunteers can deliver meals Dec. 25 through Jan. 1 at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Volunteers will be assigned a route and directions to homes. Routes usually last one to three hours, and orientations are held before delivery shifts. Volunteers are needed in the kitchen preparing food and packing groceries. Kitchen shifts are three hours and begin at 9 a.m.
How to help: Sign up to volunteer at foodandfriends.org/. Contact Volunteer Services Manager Don Pitz at 202-269-6878 or email dpitz@food andfriends.org with questions. (Courtesy of Food & Friends)

The Lucky Dog Animal Rescue needs animal lovers to foster dogs during the holidays. Volunteers are needed for weekend adoption events noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Volunteers must be at least 12 years old.
How to help: Fill out a volunteer questionnaire at luckydoganimalrescue.org/volunteer/fos ter and send it to volunteering@luckydoganimalrescue.org. (Courtesy of Lucky Dog Animal Rescue)
Courtesy of Lucky Dog Animal Rescue

The Jewish Social Service Agency runs the Give-a-Gift (formerly Adopt-a-Family) program, where about 350 children, parents and senior citizens receive donated gifts for the holidays. The program is seeking monetary donations, gift cards, warm clothing and food.
How to help: Call 301-816-2639 or donate at www.jssa.org/volunteer/seasonal/adopt- a-family. (Courtesy of Meyer family)
Courtesy of Meyer family

The D.C. Jewish Community Center is organizing its 25th Day of Service on Dec. 25. Volunteers spend two to four hours serving meals, visiting senior citizens and throwing holiday parties.
How to help: Find out more at www.washingtondcjcc.org. (Courtesy of DCJCC Day of Service)

There are several local food donation programs you can participate in this season. All Whole Foods Market stores in the D.C. metro area are collecting food donations for the Capital Area Food Bank. Collection bins are located at store entrances. In December, customers can purchase a $5 bag filled with non-perishable items. Capital Area Food Bank collects and distributes the bags on a weekly basis.
Through Dec. 25, Safeway customers can purchase a pre-loaded bag of groceries for $10 and donate to the Capital Area Food Bank from the store.
How to help: Find out more at www.capitalareafoodbank.org. (Courtesy of Capital Area Food Bank)

Volunteers visit thousands of people who spend Christmas, Hanukkah and other holidays in hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions. Most Holiday Project visits are in nursing homes. There are several scheduled visits until Dec. 25.
How to help: You can volunteer, donate money or goods. For more information on the local chapter, contact Robin Wiley at 703-370-0370 or holida yprojectdc@hotmail.com. Visit holidayproject.org/html/visit_list.html for volunteer times. (Courtesy of The Holiday Project)

The non-profit Santa Claus Anonymous provides anonymous gift certificates to Baltimore-area families so they can purchase gifts for their children.
How to help: Donate at santaclaus anonymous.org. (Courtesy of Santa Claus Anonymous)

Help wrap gifts with Family Services, Inc. Barnes & Noble customers can choose to donate items or money. Volunteer dates are Dec. 10-14 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Dec. 15 and 16 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
How to help: Contact volunteer coordinator Erica Seckler at 301-840-3225 to get involved. Volunteers must be at least 15 years old. (Courtesy of Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy)

Courtesy Martha's Table

Volunteer to feed the homeless, tutor children in affordable housing programs, serve senior citizens and more. SOME is seeking non- perishable food items that will be donated to families in need during the holidays.
How to help: Fill out a volunteer application. For more information contact 202-797-8806 ext. 2113 or volunteer@some.o rg. Volunteers must be at least 13 years old. Donations can be dropped off 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the week and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.