The peak bloom for the cherry blossoms along D.C.’s Tidal Basin has been pushed up to April 1, the National Park Service tweeted Tuesday.
Peak Bloom Update! – Determining the peak bloom date requires checking both the forecast and where the trees are in the blooming process. The indicator tree is in full bloom & with temps forecast for the upper 70s this weekend, we now predict peak bloom will occur April 1! pic.twitter.com/OiRuecocu9
— National Mall NPS (@NationalMallNPS) March 26, 2019
The peak bloom had been predicted for April 3 to April 6.
The warmer weather is bringing the blossoms to peak — where 70 percent of the blooms are open. The date varies year by year and depends on weather conditions.
The 2019 National Cherry Blossom Festival runs until April 14.