WASHINGTON — Sure, winter coats have not yet been banished to the back of the closet, but just think: The sultry days of enjoying music in an open field will soon return.
There’s no need to shell out a paycheck (or two) to fly across the country for Coachella. Hop on a bus or train, or plan a road trip to catch these East Coast music festivals. There’s even one festival right within the Capital Beltway, and another just a three-hour drive away.
As more festivals release their lineups, this list will be updated. (Who’s on that Woodstock 2019 lineup?)
In the meantime, check out these festivals for a quick weekend getaway.

July 26-28 The storied Newport Folk Festival is rolling out the announcement of their full lineup. So far on the schedule: Cedric Burnside, Haley Heynderickx and Mountain Man. More to come! On the festival’s website, it looks like tickets are already sold out, but there’s information about a fan-to-fan ticket exchange system. (AP Photo/Michelle R. Smith)

This article was originally published Jan. 18, 2019. It has been updated.