200blk Midsummer Dr, Washingtonian Woods, 1 occupant escaped, house totaled >$700k damage, family of 4 displaced pic.twitter.com/AiXRj3u7jD
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) September 8, 2016
Lightning Blasts Montgomery County Home as Region Hit by Severe Weather https://t.co/NaYFQSDBuV via @nbcwashington
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) September 8, 2016

GAITHERSBURG, Md. — A fire sparked by a lightning strike late Wednesday afternoon displaced a family of four.
Severe storms pushing through the Washington metro area brought plenty of wind and rain.
Lightning struck a home in the 200 block of Midsummer Drive in Gaithersburg, sparking a fire that quickly engulfed the home.
Most of the home’s windows are missing, and the roof to the home is completely gone.
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue says one person was in the house when the fire started. That person was able to safely escape the blaze.
The house is considered a total loss with over $700,000 worth of damage.