Police in Fairfax County, Virginia, have launched a nine-month pilot program in an effort to gather information on what the community thinks about the agency.
The department will text a survey link to people who have reached out to the police for certain services. The survey will ask respondents how they viewed the department before and after interacting with an officer.
Responses are “very positively, positively, neutrally, negatively or very negatively.”
The survey will ask if respondents felt they were treated fairly, with respect, if they got needed help, and if they feel safe contacting the department.
They’re also gathering demographic information — the respondent’s race, ethnicity, gender and age range.
The department says surveys collected as part of this pilot program are confidential for respondents and officers.
The survey is being done in partnership with Axon’s My90. It will be sent to people in both English and Spanish.
Those who want to voluntarily take part in the survey can do so by following this link.