WASHINGTON — Someone stole Heaven: That’s the name of a one-month-old pit bull that was stolen from her owner at gunpoint Tuesday night.
Heaven’s owner was walking the little gray pit bull when the driver of a silver sedan drove up, got out of the car and took the puppy at gunpoint, D.C. police said. It happened in the 3200 block of Pomeroy Road Southeast near Suitland Parkway.
The driver of the car was headed toward Sheridan Road Southeast, according to police.
At just 4 weeks old, the puppy is at a critical stage in her development, said Humane Rescue Alliance Sgt. Dan D’Eramo. The dog was making the transition from mother’s milk to formula, the owner said. She’s not yet eating solid food.
Making sure the puppy gets appropriate food is important, D’Eramo said, adding, “Now more than ever is a period of time when this dog should not be missing any meals.”
It’s also a very important time in a puppy’s social development, D’Eramo added, and if mishandled, Heaven could be left with lifelong behavioral issues.
D’Eramo’s suggestion to whoever took the dog: “Get it back into the hands of the people who know what it needs best — and that’s the owner.”
If that’s not possible, the puppy could be dropped off at the Humane Rescue Alliance, he said. “We can make sure the dog is OK, and then reunite it with the owner. Just get it back into the hands of the people who can take care of it.”
D.C. police have posted a photo of the pit bull puppy on Twitter in the hopes that someone will recognize it and return it. They are investigating the robbery and say if anyone has information, they should call 202-727-9099.
Below is a map of the area where the puppy was taken.