Dominion Energy has formed a $200 million partnership with Vanguard Renewables to turn methane from livestock waste at dairy farms into renewable natural gas.
The partnership will work initially with dairy farms in Georgia, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, with multiple projects under development. Dominion says the RNG conversions at initial projects will reduce annual CO2-equivalent emissions by more than 450,000 metric tons — the same as taking nearly 100,000 cars off the road or planting 7.5 million new trees each year.
Dominion and Massachusetts-based Vanguard are working with the Dairy Farmers of America on the projects. The two companies said the methane conversion projects will also create a new source of revenue for dairy farmers, though no financial terms of the partnerships were disclosed.
“Our strategic alliance with Vanguard Renewables and Dominion Energy provides a meaningful solution to the greenhouse gas emissions challenge we face, supports stewardship of the land, and enhances the long-term economic viability for farms across the U.S.,” said David Darr, senior vice president of the Dairy Farmers of America.
The dairy waste conversion projects will consist of multiple farms totaling up to 30,000 cows.
Methane produced by manure is captured through anaerobic digestion, transported by gathering lines to a conditioning facility and then delivered to customers through existing underground networks.
Dominion Energy has already partnered with Smithfield Foods to form an agricultural based renewable natural gas partnership, with $500 million committed over 10 years to convert methane from U.S. hog farms.