WASHINGTON — Metro is installing new escalators at a number of locations starting Monday and riders will have to contend with entrances at stations being closed for many months ahead.

At the Georgia Avenue-Petworth station in Northwest, workers will replace two adjacent escalators. For that project, the east side entrance of the station will be closed for about 11 months. Riders will need to use the west side entrance during that time.
The Glenmont station in Montgomery County is getting a pair of new escalators too. At that location, the west side entrance will be shut down for nearly nine months, leaving riders the option of using the street elevator or the entrance on the east side.
Also, work begins Monday on new escalators at the Deanwood Metro Station in Northeast D.C. Closures will not be necessary for that job as workers will focus on one escalator at a time. They will leave one open as stairs for entry and exit while they replace the adjacent escalator. The elevator will remain open as well.
Since 2011, Metro has installed 39 new escalators at the following stations: Bethesda; Branch Avenue; Brookland; Columbia Heights; Dupont Circle; Foggy Bottom; Friendship Heights; Georgia Ave.-Petworth; Glenmont; Metro Center; Mt. Vernon Square; Pentagon; Van Ness; and Woodley Park.
An additional 20 new escalators are scheduled to be installed this year.