This article is about 13 years old

Comet Ping Pong a hidden gem in D.C. music scene

Blankus Larry performs in front a live audience. The band will perform at Comet Ping Pong on Saturday, July 14. (Courtesy Blankus Larry)

Tim Bracken,

WASHINGTON – Out of the many music venues in the District, there are a few hidden gems that offer consistently good events, along with unique atmospheres.

Comet Ping Pong is one of those venues. Situated near the corner of Connecticut and Nebraska avenues in Northwest, this off-kilter pizza shop offers an inventive menu, free pingpong tables, and a regular schedule of events featuring local bands. Don’t forget about their great beer selection, too.

This Saturday, Comet Ping Pong presents Blankus Larry, a D.C.-area band that embodies the quirkiness and charm of the venue itself.

“We’re all Larrys,” notes drummer Bloody Larry.

Taking their cue from bands like the Ramones and Ween, this “band of Larrys” cranks out psychedelic garage rock that evokes the spirit of Link Wray. The rest of the band consists of Durdy Larry, Cousin Larry and Larry Carey.

The band formed in 2008. After recording some self-produced songs, they scored gigs at area clubs IOTA, The Rock & Roll Hotel and the 9:30 Club.

For this weekend’s show at Comet Ping Pong, Blankus Larry will perform their album-in-progress, “Hell or High Larry.” The band is releasing individual songs as they are recorded, with plans to have the full album released online Nov. 5.

What can you expect from the live show? A Blankus Larry performance is often as adventurous as their psychedelic sound.

Bloody Larry says that fans should expect “some dirt and some sweat, sonic conniption fits and some ambient meditations.” The band also puts effort into stage production, including light design, costumes and video.

“A lot of coordination goes into pulling off one of these shows, and Comet Ping Pong has the sound, the space and the facilities that fit our needs,” Bloody Larry says.

Preview the new album on Soundcloud:

type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”100%”>
Hell or High Larry by BlankusLarry

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