This article is about 12 years old

Traffic relief comes for Mark Center commuters

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The daily grind in the Mark Center-Seminary Road area in Alexandria has a softer edge starting Monday as a new phase of traffic improvements are put to the test.

Effective Monday, drivers can take new turn lanes. Also, access lanes to Interstate 395 open. People walking in the area will see upgraded sidewalks and crosswalks.

“It’s going to make a difference in the commute insofar as arrival and departure,” says Steve Titunik, spokesperson for Virginia Mega Projects.

“But I do think it’s a significant improvement because you create specified areas where people can make a turn rather than backing other people up who want to go through. Here you have designated turn lanes.”

Here are some of the improvements around the Mark Center:

  • A right-turn lane has been added on westbound Seminary Road to Southern Towers;
  • New lanes at the Seminary Road/North Beauregard Street intersection;
  • Enhanced sidewalks and crosswalk ramps that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Work on the I-395 transit ramp will start either late this year or early 2014. That project will connect the High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes to Seminary Road on the third level of the rotary, according to a release.

It’s scheduled to be finished in late 2015.

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