
Hourly Forecast

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Full Weather Report

Last updated on October 1, 2024 at 10:52 p.m.

Steve Rudin, 7News First Alert Meteorologist

Scattered showers, patchy fog
Lows: 58-64
Winds: Northeast 5 mph
Lingering showers will dot radar overnight along with patchy fog. 

Isolated showers, some afternoon clearing
Highs: 70-75
Winds: Northeast 5-10 mph
A weak cold front will traverse the area early in the day with small shower chances. 

Partly cloudy
Highs: Around 75
Winds: Southeast 5-10 mph
Brighter weather arrives late week with more seasonable highs in the mid-70s and more sunshine.

Mostly sunny
Highs: 75-80
Winds: South 5-10 mph
Plan for a beautiful end to the work and school week with plenty of sun and high temperatures in the middle 70s to near 80 degrees. 

The first weekend of October will be a welcome change. Sunshine is expected on both days with cool, crisp mornings followed by seasonably warm afternoons. 

7 News First Alert Weather

Veronica Johnson ABC7 Meteorologist

Veronica Johnson

Chief Meteorologist

Jordan Evans ABC7 Meteorologist

Jordan Evans


Mark Peña


Steve Rudin ABC7 Meteorologist

Steve Rudin


Brian van de Graff ABC7 Meteorologist

Brian van de Graaff

Senior Meteorologist

Eileen Whelan ABC7 Meteorologist

Eileen Whelan


Briana Bermensolo WTOP Meteorologist

Briana Bermensolo

WTOP Meteorologist

Chad Merrill

WTOP Meteorologist

Steve Prinzivalli

Steve Prinzivalli

WTOP Meteorologist

Lauryn Ricketts

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photo is a headshot of Mike Stinneford

Mike Stinneford

WTOP Meteorologist

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