The Virginia Zoo has brought two white rhinos from the Singapore Zoo.
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — The Virginia Zoo has brought two white rhinos from the Singapore Zoo.
News outlets report Bora and Zina, two juvenile white rhinos, came to the Virginia zoo over the weekend. After a 30-day observation by veterinarians and zoo keepers, the rhinos will be put in the African Okavango Delta exhibit.
Bora and Zina, two juvenile white rhinos, came to the Virginia zoo over the weekend. After a 30-day observation by veterinarians and zoo keepers, the rhinos will be put in the African Okavango Delta exhibit.
(Courtesy Virginia Zoo)
Courtesy Virginia Zoo
Bora and Zina, two juvenile white rhinos, came to the Virginia zoo over the weekend. After a 30-day observation by veterinarians and zoo keepers, the rhinos will be put in the African Okavango Delta exhibit.
(Courtesy The Virginia Zoo)
Courtesy The Virginia Zoo
Bora and Zina, two juvenile white rhinos, came to the Virginia zoo over the weekend. After a 30-day observation by veterinarians and zoo keepers, the rhinos will be put in the African Okavango Delta exhibit.
(Courtesy The Virginia Zoo)
Courtesy The Virginia Zoo
Bora and Zina, two juvenile white rhinos, came to the Virginia zoo over the weekend. After a 30-day observation by veterinarians and zoo keepers, the rhinos will be put in the African Okavango Delta exhibit.
(Courtesy The Virginia Zoo)
Courtesy The Virginia Zoo
Bora and Zina, two juvenile white rhinos, came to the Virginia zoo over the weekend. After a 30-day observation by veterinarians and zoo keepers, the rhinos will be put in the African Okavango Delta exhibit.
(Courtesy The Virginia Zoo)
Courtesy The Virginia Zoo
Bora and Zina, two juvenile white rhinos, came to the Virginia zoo over the weekend. After a 30-day observation by veterinarians and zoo keepers, the rhinos will be put in the African Okavango Delta exhibit.
(Courtesy The Virginia Zoo)
The zoo’s executive director Greg Bockheim says with less than 20,000 white rhinos left in the wild, Bora and Zina will contribute greatly to the future of their species.
Zoo spokeswoman Ashley Mars says under a Species Survival Plan, a male rhino will be paired with the Bora and Zina. The male is scheduled to arrive later this year.