This article is about 5 months old

Olympic Weightlifting Results




1. Liu Huanhua, China (, 178-392; , 220-485; , 183-403; , 228-503; , 186-410; , 233-514; 1, 186-410; 1, 220-485), 406 kg.-895 pounds.

2. Akbar Djuraev, Uzbekistan (, 180-397; , 219-483; , 185-408; , 224-494; , 189-417; , 232-511; 3, 185-408; 2, 219-483), 404-891.

3. Yauheni Tsikhantsou, AIN (, 176-388; , 214-472; , 178-392; , 219-483; , 183-403; , 228-503; 4, 183-403; 3, 219-483), 402-886.

4. Garik Karapetyan, Armenia (, 180-397; , 212-467; , 186-410; , 218-481; , 186-410; , 218-481; 2, 186-410; 5, 212-467), 398-877.

5. Irakli Chkheidze, Georgia (, 171-377; , 214-472; , 176-388; , 214-472; , 179-395; , 224-494; 7, 179-395; 4, 214-472), 393-866.

6. Lesman Montano, Bahrain (, 181-399; , 211-465; , 186-410; , 218-481; , 188-414; , 218-481; 5, 181-399; 6, 211-465), 392-864.

7. Ramiro Mora Romero, Refugee Olympic Team (, 161-355; , 201-443; , 166-366; , 206-454; , 168-370; , 210-463; 10, 166-366; 7, 210-463), 376-829.

8. Wes Kitts, United States (, 167-368; , 202-445; , 172-379; , 210-463; , 177-390; , 210-463; 9, 172-379; 8, 202-445), 374-825.

9. Jang Yeonhak, South Korea (, 173-381; , 200-441; , 179-395; , 211-465; , 180-397; , 221-487; 8, 173-381; 9, 200-441), 373-822.

10. Davranbek Hasanbayev, Turkmenistan (, 180-397; , 190-419; , 187-412; , 190-419; , 188-414; , 200-441; 6, 180-397; 10, 190-419), 370-816.

11. Ahmed Abuzriba, Libya, DNF.

11. Faris Ibrahim E Elbakh, Qatar, DNF.

11. Don Opeloge, Samoa, DNF.


1. Lasha Talakhadze, Georgia (, 210-463; , 247-545; , 215-474; , 255-562; , 220-485; , —; 2, 215-474; 1, 255-562), 470 kg.-1036 pounds.

2. Varazdat Lalayan, Armenia (, 210-463; , 247-545; , 215-474; , 252-556; , 218-481; , 256-564; 3, 215-474; 2, 252-556), 467-1030.

3. Gor Minasyan, Bahrain (, 210-463; , 245-540; , 216-476; , 255-562; , 220-485; , 255-562; 1, 216-476; 3, 245-540), 461-1016.

4. Ali Davoudi, Iran (, 200-441; , 242-534; , 201-443; , 257-567; , 205-452; , 257-567; 4, 205-452; 4, 242-534), 447-985.

5. Man Asaad, Syria (, 191-421; , 235-518; , 197-434; , 241-531; , 201-443; , 253-558; 6, 197-434; 5, 241-531), 438-966.

6. Ali Ammar Yusur Rubaiawi, Iraq (, 195-430; , 230-507; , 195-430; , 237-522; , 200-441; , 247-545; 5, 200-441; 6, 237-522), 437-963.

7. Abdelrahman Abdelaziz Elsayed, Egypt (, 178-392; , 225-496; , 183-403; , 233-514; , 190-419; , 233-514; 8, 183-403; 7, 233-514), 416-917.

8. David Liti, New Zealand (, 178-392; , 224-494; , 182-401; , 231-509; , 184-406; , 235-518; 7, 184-406; 8, 231-509), 415-915.

9. Mart Seim, Estonia (, 175-386; , 220-485; , 180-397; , 237-522; , 183-403; , 237-522; 9, 180-397; 9, 220-485), 400-882.

10. Eishiro Murakami, Japan (, 170-375; , 200-441; , 180-397; , 220-485; , 180-397; , 230-507; 10, 180-397; 10, 220-485), 400-882.

11. Kamil Kucera, Czech Republic (, 100-220; , 120-265; , 110-243; , 140-309; , —; , —; 11, 110-243; 11, 140-309), 250-551.

12. Walid Bidani, Algeria, DNF.



1. Solfrid Eila Amena Koanda, Norway (, 117-258; , 148-326; , 121-267; , 154-340; , 124-273; , 162-357; 2, 121-267; 1, 154-340), 275 kg.-606 pounds.

2. Sara Ahmed, Egypt (, 113-249; , 146-322; , 117-258; , 151-333; , 119-262; , 155-342; 3, 117-258; 2, 151-333), 268-591.

3. Neisi Patricia Dajomes Barrera, Ecuador (, 118-260; , 145-320; , 118-260; , 145-320; , 122-269; , 151-333; 1, 122-269; 5, 145-320), 267-589.

4. Eileen Cikamatana, Australia (, 113-249; , 145-320; , 117-258; , 149-328; , 120-265; , 149-328; 4, 117-258; 4, 145-320), 262-578.

5. Yudelina Mejia Peguero, Dominican Republic (, 111-245; , 145-320; , 111-245; , 150-331; , 115-254; , 157-346; 5, 111-245; 3, 145-320), 256-564.

6. Kim Suhyeon, South Korea (, 110-243; , 140-309; , 110-243; , 147-324; , 113-249; , 147-324; 6, 110-243; 6, 140-309), 250-551.

7. Laura Nascimento Amaro, Brazil (, 105-231; , 130-287; , 110-243; , 135-298; , 110-243; , 140-309; 7, 105-231; 7, 135-298), 240-529.

8. Rigina Adashbaeva, Uzbekistan (, 100-220; , 125-276; , 103-227; , 131-289; , 105-231; , 136-300; 8, 105-231; 8, 131-289), 236-520.

9. Yekta Jamali Galeh, Refugee Olympic Team (, 95-209; , 124-273; , 99-218; , 128-282; , 103-227; , 133-293; 9, 103-227; 9, 128-282), 231-509.

10. Ankhtsetseg Munkhjantsan, Mongolia (, 100-220; , 120-265; , 106-234; , 125-276; , 108-238; , —; 10, 100-220; 10, 125-276), 225-496.

11. Ajah Pritchard-Lolo, Vanuatu (, 85-187; , 103-227; , 89-196; , 108-238; , 92-203; , 112-247; 11, 89-196; 11, 108-238), 197-434.

12. Ayamey Damiana Medina Roca, Cuba, DNF.

12. Weronika Zielinska, Poland, DNF.

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