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Full Weather Report

Last updated on October 8, 2024 at 4:25 a.m.

Eileen Whelan, 7News First Alert Weather Meteorologist

Grab a jacket and sunglasses out the door, as temperatures are a good 10 to 15 degrees cooler than Monday morning. After a crisp start, Tuesday’s temperatures will warm to around 70 in the afternoon with a brilliant blue sky and low humidity. Temperatures will cool quickly after the sun sets just before 6:40 p.m., so have a jacket for your evening plans too. With clear skies and light winds, temperatures will fall quickly overnight.

Wednesday’s wake-up temperatures will once again be in the 40s for most of the D.C. area. Temperatures will warm to around 70.

Thursday will be the coolest day of the week, with highs only in the middle 60s. It will still be a delightful day to get out and enjoy the fall weather.

Expect cool mornings, followed by warmer than average afternoon highs in the middle to upper 70s this weekend.

7News First Alert Weather Forecast

TODAY: Sunny skies. Highs around 70.
Winds: Northwest 5-10 mph

TONIGHT: Mainly clear. Lows between 44 and 52.
Winds: Light

WEDNESDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs between 68 and 75.
Winds: Northwest 5-10+ mph

THURSDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs in the middle 60.
Winds: Northwest 5-10 mph

7 News First Alert Weather

Veronica Johnson ABC7 Meteorologist

Veronica Johnson

Chief Meteorologist

Jordan Evans ABC7 Meteorologist

Jordan Evans


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Steve Rudin


Brian van de Graff ABC7 Meteorologist

Brian van de Graaff

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Eileen Whelan ABC7 Meteorologist

Eileen Whelan


Briana Bermensolo WTOP Meteorologist

Briana Bermensolo

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Chad Merrill

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Steve Prinzivalli

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photo is a headshot of Mike Stinneford

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