
Showing 5836-5850 of 9497 for "weight"

6 Ways Parents Can Cut the Cost of a Teen Driver 07/09/2017 08:00pm • You can expect the many conflicting emotions you might have as your son or daughter grows old enough to drive. On one hand, it's great to see a teen become more independent (especially when that means the end of your chauffeur duties). But on the other hand, you may worry about whether he or she is How Women Can Flex Their Financial Power 07/09/2017 08:00pm • Who run the world? Based on certain statistics, Beyonce was spot on. While women, on average, are still lagging men in many ways -- like, say, in income, congressional seats, CEO positions and uninterrupted speaking time on the Senate floor -- they do pack quite a bit of financial power already. An Could Intestinal Parasites Be Causing Your Gut Issues? 07/09/2017 08:00pm • Marcelle Pick left for Mexico with visions of herself splashing in the ocean, relaxing on the beach and feasting on local fare. Let's just say those visions were quickly blurred. "I was on the floor a lot more than I wanted to be because I was in so much discomfort," says Pick, an OB-GYN nurse prac Help: My Child Isn't Growing Well 07/09/2017 08:00pm • Poor weight gain isn't an uncommon problem among children, and it's a very prevalent problem that prompts a visit to a pediatric gastroenterologist. Poor weight gain is typically noticed by the parents (usually the mother) or primary physician, who notice that the child isn't growing well -- or the 10 Questions to Ask About Retirement 07/09/2017 08:00pm • Many of us believe that retirement promises a life of ease, free of responsibility. And in a way that's true. We no longer have to show up for work, deal with uncooperative colleagues, manage self-absorbed employees or report to narcissistic bosses. We no longer have to bear the weight of important Does Exercise Make You Hungry or Suppress Your Appetite? 07/06/2017 08:00pm • Sometimes, when Jessica Crandall finishes a run, she's nearly disgusted by the thought of eating. "Even if I get the smell of food, it makes me feel like, 'ugh,'" says Crandall, a registered dietitian in Denver who works with athletes. Other times, when she wraps up a high-intensity interval trainin Why Diabetes Is More Common in Rural Areas 07/05/2017 08:00pm • If you live in a rural area, there's a greater chance that you'll develop diabetes. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified what it calls a " diabetes belt" in 644 counties in 15 states of mostly rural portions of the Southeast and Midwest. Some of the states in the d Why Do Kids Eat When They're Not Hungry? 07/04/2017 08:00pm • Your child just ate dinner. Thirty minutes later he says he's hungry. Is he really hungry? It seems unlikely, given the fact that he just ate a full meal. So, what's going on? If you're a parent, you know that children aren't always hungry when they say they are or when they ask for something to eat What's the Link Between Obesity and Urological Health? 07/04/2017 08:00pm • Today in America, more than one-third (about 36 percent) of our country's adult population is considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The lethal combination of inactivity, availability of processed "convenience" foods and increasing portion sizes is leading Am Which Type of Bread Is Healthiest? 07/04/2017 08:00pm • You may have seen recent stories with headlines like "White Bread Just as Healthy as Whole Wheat" and come away with the feeling that food choices are inconsequential. After all, what can you believe anymore after hearing your whole life that wheat bread is always a better choice than white? But in Ford F-150 Raptor delivers attitude -- on and off the road 07/03/2017 05:01am • WASHINGTON -- Want a go-anywhere truck? The 2017 Ford F-150 Raptor is it, if you can find one. Every year there is a one super popular ride that’s hard to find and if you do, good luck paying the sticker price for it. For 2017, the new F-150 Raptor is the hot ticket and after a week of driving The Cure for Anxious Health Care Investors 07/02/2017 08:00pm • There are two big developments on the U.S. national health care stage, one well-publicized and the other flying somewhat under the radar. The obvious story is the Affordable Care Act debate under way in the U.S. Senate, where Congressional Republicans are still a few votes shy of passing their own Why Emerging Markets Are a Good Bet Now 07/02/2017 08:00pm • Emerging markets have been on something of a tear over the past year, and experts say they have more room to run. That's good news for investors who have arrived late to this party. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index, which tracks stocks in 24 countries -- including China, Russia, Poland and Peru -- is All-American wines for the Fourth All-American wines for the Fourth 06/30/2017 10:28am • WASHINGTON — Celebrating the birth of our nation in our nation’s capital is about as patriotic as it gets. Between the National Symphony Orchestra playing on the lawn of the Capitol and the fireworks exploding high over the Mall, it’s enough to make you want to give the Washington Monument Psychotherapy Approaches: Which Have the Most Evidence of Success? 06/29/2017 08:00pm • There are many ways to treat depression successfully. Effective treatments can be as simple as getting more exercise, or as extreme as hospitalization. Between those two poles, however, are the most common forms of treatment: medication and psychotherapy. Antidepressant medications have been well-st
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