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Assisted Living Costs and How to Pay 01/15/2024 07:00pm • Aging isn't just hard on your health -- it can be hard on your wallet too. Senior care can cost more than $500,000 per lifetime, according to various estimates. Being realistic about the cost versus the benefit of senior care services is key. Sure, you or a member of your family could cut your work Should You Make a Free Will Online? 10/22/2023 08:00pm • Writing down how to divide your assets is an essential start to estate planning that can be easily overlooked. Among Americans, 2 out of 3 adults do not have an estate plan, according to a 2023 online survey of 2,483 adults by The COVID-19 pandemic and inflation may have inspired some in What Is Assisted Living? 08/31/2023 08:00pm • During the aging process, everyday tasks that were previously staples of independent living can become increasingly difficult for older adults. Cooking a nutritious meal, for instance, once a source of passion and creativity, now poses a mental and physical burden to execute. Even a simple morning r Assisted Living: Understanding Levels of Care and Costs 02/23/2023 07:00pm • For many people, aging means you might need a little extra help with everyday tasks. Typically, the human body slows down and gets creaky, and health issues often crop up in the latter half of life. Eventually, some people may need ongoing assistance, and that's where assisted living communities com Financing Assisted Living 02/13/2022 07:00pm • As the population of adults over age 65 in America continues to increase, many are facing a serious dilemma over how to finance the care they'll need in their golden years. Financing assisted living and other forms of long-term care after retirement is a bit like an absurdist word problem in sixth g Estate Planning Tips to Keep Your Money in the Family 10/11/2021 12:00am • The prospect of estate planning can seem overwhelming, but don't put it off. Having an estate plan is crucial to ensuring your money and assets go to your intended heirs. The good news is your family probably won't have to worry about paying estate taxes. In 2021, you'd have to die with assets exce Estate Planning Tips to Keep Your Money in the Family 09/30/2020 12:00am • If you're single and die in 2020, you can have up to $11.58 million in assets before your heirs have to worry about paying a penny in estate taxes. Knowing that, you might assume only the super wealthy need to worry about estate planning. However, financial planners say you'd be wrong to think plan Levels of Care and Costs in Assisted Living 09/18/2020 12:00am • For most people, as we age, we start to need a little extra help with everyday tasks. Typically, the human body slows down, gets creaky and often, health issues crop up in the latter years of life. Eventually, some people may need ongoing assistance, and that's where assisted living communities come How Should I Finance Assisted Living? 09/16/2020 12:00am • As the population of adults over age 65 in America continues to increase, many are facing a serious dilemma over how to finance the care they'll need in their golden years. Financing assisted living and other forms of long-term care after retirement is a bit like an absurdist word problem in sixth Should You Make a Free Will Online? 01/08/2019 07:00pm • Writing down how to divide your assets is an essential start to estate planning that can be easily overlooked. More than half of Americans do not have a will, according to a 2017 survey by "Whether you are young or old, rich or poor, everyone can benefit from having a last will and test 6 Factors to Consider Before Using Your Retirement Savings for Caregiving 08/07/2018 08:00pm • If you're looking after an aging parent or loved one, you may cover costs that come with caregiving without thinking about it. It's easy to pay out-of-pocket expenses, such as groceries, gas and medical equipment that's not covered by insurance. But as care needs increase, costs often do too. Among Managing the Costs of Caregiving 11/27/2017 07:00pm • When loved ones need help, it can weigh heavy on you and your budget. About 38 percent of family caregivers -- those who take care of a non-child friend or family member, such as an aging parent, for free -- report spending more than 30 hours a week providing this unpaid work, according to a new su 4 Things You Should Never Say to a Caregiver 06/16/2016 08:00pm • Family and friends are supposed to be our closest allies. We rely on them for support and enjoy celebrating life's joys with them. But there are two times when we feel alone. One is at the end of our lives, because people stop visiting; the other is when we become a caregiver. There are moments whe Finding Support for Seniors Facing Challenges Living Alone 03/29/2016 08:00pm • Your parent prizes his or her independence and insists on living at home, alone. However, you see signs of vulnerability and a precarious situation with the potential for falls and injury, poor nutrition and your parent becoming neglected or housebound. You want to help, but you live at a distance a Having Kids Later in Life? 5 Key Financial Considerations 05/20/2015 08:00pm • If you're having children later in life -- a phrase that's impossible to define but let's go with your 40s and beyond -- you may wonder what the future will bring. For instance, if your health isn't the greatest, and you're having kids in your 50s, you may worry that by the time you're choosing your
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