
Showing 1261-1275 of 2010 for "gift cards"

6 Hacks for Holiday Shopping Online 11/16/2016 07:00pm • Thanksgiving is coming up, so now is the perfect time to prepare your holiday shopping game plan. For those who want to avoid the packed parking lots and malls this holiday season, you're in luck. Shopping online is easy and convenient -- and the best deals and discounts are literally right at your 5 Reasons to Eat Whatever You Want on Thanksgiving 11/16/2016 07:00pm • Warning: This is not your typical "don't eat that" lecture from the food police. I'm not that kind of dietitian and Thanksgiving is not that kind of day. It's the biggest food holiday of the year, darn it! It's one day we are supposed to ditch food rules. In fact, I'll go as far as to say I think it 26 Tips for Enjoying Retirement on a Reduced Income 11/16/2016 07:00pm • For many retirees, having enough money to enjoy a satisfying retirement is a major concern. Fortunately, enjoying a happy and fulfilling retirement does not necessarily require spending a lot of money. Here are 26 steps you can take in your day-to-day life to reduce or eliminate expenses that won't 7 Financial Accounts to Be Thankful For 11/16/2016 07:00pm • Before the holiday hustle and bustle goes into high gear, families across the country will sit down together for a Thanksgiving meal and reflect on what makes them grateful. Family, friends and good health may be the first things that come to mind when counting your blessings, but there are other th Shining a Light on Elder Financial Abuse 11/16/2016 07:00pm • Many of us have heard about it or even have our own stories. Often, it is discussed within families and by friends in hushed tones about "so and so" having lost some or all of their savings in a scam or as a result of being victimized. The "it" is elder financial abuse and the extent of its occurre 6 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season 11/15/2016 07:00pm • The holidays are a time for giving. But the reason for the season can get overshadowed by the pressure to consume. If you want to cut back on spending, giving back to the community can be a rewarding substitute for excess shopping. Here are six charitable activities that can bring abundance to your Which In-Store Services Are Best for You? 11/14/2016 07:00pm • Americans will spend an average of $936 per person on holiday gifts this season, according to the National Retail Federation. Consumers only have so much to spend on their holiday shopping, so retailers want to do everything they can to entice you to shop with them, not their competitors. Savvy shop 7 Huge Black Friday Sales Starting on Thanksgiving 11/13/2016 07:00pm • Before you've even started on your second serving of stuffing, many retailers will have flung open their doors for Thanksgiving sales. By the time you've moved on to the pecan pie, floods of shoppers will have reached the back aisles, their carts wobbling under the weight of towering TVs and piles 6 Steps For Managing Your Personal Finances 11/09/2016 07:00pm • As the end of the year fast approaches, you may be looking at your checking account and wondering where all of your money went. With vacations, parties and get-togethers, and more time out and about, it can be easy for your spending to outpace your income. If you're realizing that your current budge 8 Frugal Tips for Hosting Your Family During the Holidays 11/08/2016 07:00pm • The average cost of Thanksgiving dinner hovers around $50, based on statistics compiled by the American Farm Bureau Federation over the last few years. While this may not seem too costly to the average consumer, it only represents the cost of one evening. When you're in charge of hosting family for 7 Best Places to Find Frugal and Unique Gifts 11/08/2016 07:00pm • If the idea of shopping for gifts on a tight budget is already stressing you out, consider some nontraditional shopping destinations. If you're thoughtful, you can find great gifts, at great price points, almost anywhere. So while most major retailers are filling their shelves with popular and price 3 Reasons to Apply for a Travel Credit Card in November 11/06/2016 07:00pm • The holiday frenzy really gets going in November. Between ordering the turducken, trying to refashion a lumpy futon into a guest bed and mentally preparing themselves for the trauma that Black Friday brings, people are busy. We're sorry to add something else to your to-do list, but you should proba How to Incorporate More Thanks 11/02/2016 08:00pm • Here we are in November, the month of Thanksgiving. With the forthcoming holiday, it's a great time to reflect on gratitude and the role it plays, or doesn't play, in your life. It may sound cliche, but we need to make sure we express our thanks to everyone who helps and has helped us along the way How a Holiday Budget Can Keep Your Spending on Track 11/02/2016 08:00pm • Halloween has barely passed, but shoppers are readying themselves and their budgets for some major holiday spending. Between Thanksgiving and buying gifts for friends and family, your wallet may be feeling pretty thin. But just because it's the holidays doesn't mean that you can stray from your mont 4 Reasons to Start Your Holiday Shopping Early 10/30/2016 08:00pm • One thing unites many Americans: They hate the fact that the holiday shopping season starts so darn early. Consider it a Christmas miracle: About 75 percent of Americans said they were "annoyed" that the holiday shopping season seems to keep getting earlier and earlier, according to a recent poll f
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