
Showing 2131-2145 of 134475 for "generic"

Shaun White starting new halfpipe league in hopes of increasing prizes, visibility for action sports Shaun White starting new halfpipe league in hopes of increasing prizes, visibility for action sports 06/17/2024 06:05am • Shaun White is starting a season-long halfpipe league that will offer more than $1.5 million in prizes in hopes of pulling together what has long been a spread-out, confusing action-sports calendar. The 37-year-old, three-time Olympic gold medalist, who retired in 2022 after the Beijing Games, is c El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, disuelve el gabinete de guerra 06/17/2024 05:07am • (CNN) -- El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, disolvió el Gabinete de Guerra del país, según informó un funcionario israelí a CNN.La decisión de Netanyahu se produce después de que el líder de la oposición Benny Gantz anunciara su retirada del órgano la semana pasada, y de que Rusia celebrará a puerta cerrada el juicio por espionaje de Evan Gershkovich, según los medios estatales 06/17/2024 04:28am • (CNN) -- El periodista estadounidense Evan Gershkovich será juzgado a puerta cerrada en la ciudad rusa de Ekaterimburgo a partir del 26 de junio, informó este lunes la agencia de noticias estatal TASS, citando al servicio de prensa del tribunal.Gershkovich, de 32 años, está encarcelado desde que Diputados declaran estado de emergencia por 15 días en El Salvador debido a las lluvias 06/17/2024 03:10am • (CNN Español) -- Los diputados de la Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador declararon el estado de emergencia por las lluvias que azotan al pais centroamericano.Esta decisión le permitirá al Gobierno del presidente Nayib Bukele destinar todos los recursos necesarios para atender las emergencias a f ANÁLISIS | Biden y Trump libran un furioso duelo antes del debate presidencial 06/17/2024 02:45am • (CNN) -- Las tensiones entre Joe Biden y Donald Trump sobre el tema racial y el futuro de la Corte Suprema de Justicia se intensifican a medida que se preparan para el debate presidencial más importante de los últimos años.Este fin de semana, la campaña para 2024 dejó de centrarse en los tribun Takeaways from the AP investigation into the Palestinian families being decimated in Gaza 06/17/2024 01:21am • BEIRUT (AP) — To a degree never seen before, Israel’s air and ground campaign in Gaza is killing entire Palestinian families. Entire bloodlines, sometimes four generations from the same family, have perished in single airstrikes or a series of airstrikes on members of the same family sheltering The war in Gaza is wiping out entire Palestinian families, one branch at a time. This is how 06/17/2024 01:19am • BEIRUT (AP) — Israel’s air and ground campaign in Gaza has killed hundreds of family members from the same bloodline, an unprecedented toll on the small community mostly made up of refugees and their descendants. An Associated Press investigation analyzed 10 strikes across the Gaza Strip between “Inside Out 2” sacude la apagada taquilla del verano 06/17/2024 12:31am • (CNN) -- Sin duda fue un fin de semana lleno de alegría para Disney. La última película animada del estudio, “Inside Out 2”, sacudió la descolorida taquilla del verano, y se convirtió en la primera película de 2024 en alcanzar los US$ 100 millones en ventas en Estados Unidos durante su pri The high cost of living is still biting the UK. Many don't think the election will change anything 06/17/2024 12:09am • LONDON (AP) — Dominic Watters watches his gas and electricity meter like a hawk. He topped it up a few days ago, but now there’s just 1.85 pounds ($2.40) of credit left. That may determine what kind of dinner he and his teen daughter get tonight, he says. Watters, a campaigner for better access AI experimentation is high risk, high reward for low-profile political campaigns 06/17/2024 12:09am • Adrian Perkins was running for reelection as the mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana, when he was surprised by a harsh campaign hit piece. The satirical TV commercial, paid for by a rival political action committee, used artificial intelligence to depict Perkins as a high school student who had been call Mucho ojo: detectan muestras de gripe aviar en aguas residuales Mucho ojo: detectan muestras de gripe aviar en aguas residuales 06/16/2024 09:45pm • HOUSTON – El Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado Harris confirmó la presencia de muestras positivas de gripe aviar H5N1 en aguas residuales en el área metropolitana de Houston. Sin embrago, no se han detectado casos de este virus en humanos y aunque la fuente de origen se desconoce Walker, Diamondbacks strike early, rout White Sox 12-5 06/16/2024 08:10pm • PHOENIX (AP) — Christian Walker drove in three runs with a home run and a double and the Arizona Diamondbacks routed the Chicago White Sox 12-5 on Sunday. Walker hit a solo homer in the first inning, singled in the third and drove in two more with a bases-loaded double in a six-run fourth inning a Emiten alerta roja en El Salvador por fuertes lluvias, posibles inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra 06/16/2024 08:03pm • (CNN Español) -- El Salvador está desde este domingo bajo alerta roja a nivel nacional por lluvias de temporal, según informó la Dirección General de Protección Civil, Prevención y Mitigación de Desastres en un comunicado publicado en sus redes sociales.La alerta detalla la probabilidad “m 7 Best Stocks for Beginners With Little Money 06/16/2024 08:00pm • If you're a new investor who's decided to invest in the stock market, congratulations, you've made a good decision. Stocks have great potential for long-term growth. If you invest wisely -- meaning you invest consistently, choose quality stocks and diversify your holdings -- investing in the stock m 7 Best Money Market Funds to Buy for 2024 06/16/2024 08:00pm • Both the European Central Bank and the Bank of Canada have initiated 25-basis-point cuts in their policy interest rates, but their U.S. counterpart has not followed suit. In its June decision, the Federal Reserve again kept its policy interest rate unchanged at 5.25% to 5.5% and indicated that marke
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