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The Prince William County School Board unanimously elected Lisa Zargarpur to serve as the vice chair of the board at its first meeting of the new term.
Zargarpur will serve a one-year term as vice chair, a position she previously held in 2021.
Zargarpur replaces Gainesville District School Board representative Jennifer Wall as vice chair.
“Miss Wall, thank you for your service as vice chair. I hope we have similar size feet here because your shoes are pretty good ones to fill there,” Zargarpur said of her new position.
School Board Chairman Dr. Babur Lateef thanked Wall for her service and commitment to bipartisanship.
“The legislation that this School Board worked on over the last year had her fingerprints all over it whether she voted for it or not. And I appreciate all the time and effort you’ve given and the spirit with which you have worked to do what’s good for our children,” Lateef said.
Zargarpur, who represents the Coles magisterial district, was first elected to the School Board in 2019. She is a graduate of Prince William County Public Schools and earned her bachelor of music and master of arts degrees from George Mason University. She holds a masters degree in education from the University of Mary Washington.
Zargarpur is an elementary general music and chorus teacher in Fairfax County Public Schools.