WASHINGTON — A Prince George’s County man pleaded guilty to manslaughter for a crash that killed a Morgan State student in December 2015.
James Calero pleaded guilty to one count of criminally negligent manslaughter for the death of Adedire Osoanya. Osoanya was 20-years-old when he died after being ejected from his vehicle when it was struck almost head on by Calero’s vehicle on Md. 202 at Largo Road.
Calero was traveling more than 50 mph above the posted speed limit. The Prince George’s County State’s Attorney’s office said it was believed he was under the influence of drugs at the time of the crash.
“It is imperative that nobody gets behind the wheel of a car when they are not properly fit to drive,” said Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks in a news release. “I hope that Mr. Calero will take the time to learn from his actions and get the help that needs.”
Calero will be sentenced on March 28 and faces a maximum sentence of three years.