WASHINGTON — The lottery for a chance to gain entry into the 2018 Marine Corps Marathon has opened and entries are accepted through next week.
The lottery opened Wednesday and will remain open through noon Eastern on March 28. Once the lottery closes, marathoners will be notified by email of their acceptance results on March 29.
Runners can sign up for the lottery on the Marine Corps Marathon website. It costs $170 to register for “The People’s Marathon” this year.
Before the lottery opened, the marathon offered “rush registration,” which made 11,000 spots available for runners eager to bypass the lottery system. About 8,000 runners successfully completed their transactions in the 25-minute period the rush registration was made available, said Marine Corps Marathon spokeswoman Ashley Topolosky.
About 12,000 people accessed the rush registration form, but didn’t finish the registration process in time, Topolosky said.
Runners ages 14 to 81 from all 50 states, D.C. and 34 countries registered for the marathon through rush registration, Topolosky said. Fifty-three percent of registered marathoners are female while forty-seven percent are male, she added.
It was the first time in five years the marathon offered the pre-lottery rush registration.
The Marine Corps Marathon will take place on Oct. 28, 2018.