Applying for a credit card is usually easy and quick. But waiting for approval and for the physical card to arrive can take a little time. Although some credit cards offer instant approval and use, that’s not always the case — and you might encounter issues that slow the process.
Here’s a look at the credit card timeline, from when you complete an application to when you receive the card.
How Long Does Credit Card Approval Take?
In many cases, you can get approved for a credit card a minute or so after you file an online application or while you’re waiting in a store checkout line.
“Many issuers have an instant approval process where you can get approved in minutes,” says Gerri Detweiler, author of “The Ultimate Credit Handbook” and credit expert. “Approval time has definitely shrunk as issuers have become more efficient in evaluating and approving applications.”
This might not be surprising if you already get preapproved offers from credit card issuers because you have a high credit score.
“For most credit cards, the decision was made even before you applied,” says John Ulzheimer, a credit expert who previously worked at FICO and the credit bureau Equifax. “Card issuers have their criteria in place so when you apply, your credit quality and application information either meets or doesn’t meet the criteria. As such, the decision is practically in real time, and you’ll likely receive a card within a couple of weeks.”
Why Are Credit Card Approvals Delayed?
Even if you have a strong credit score, your credit card approval could be delayed because of fraud protections on your credit record. For example, if you forget to lift a freeze on your credit report before applying, a prospective lender can’t get the full picture of your credit history.
“Before applying for new credit, a consumer needs to lift a credit freeze in advance or obtain a one-time use PIN that they can provide to the lender they are applying with so that the lender can access the report,” says Rod Griffin, senior director of public education and advocacy at the credit bureau Experian.
Getting past a fraud or security alert could add time to the approval process because the lender has to first verify your identity. The credit card issuer might call you to confirm your credit information and whether you applied for the card before the application can go through.
An issuer might also take longer to approve your application if:
— You’re applying for an unusually large credit limit.
— Information in your application is different from what’s in your credit record.
— You already have a large credit line with the bank.
How to Check on Credit Card Application Status
Most major credit card issuers allow you to check your application status online, while a few require you to call. If you call, ask what you can do to help speed up the approval process.
— American Express. You can check the status of American Express card applications online.
— Barclays. Check your Barclays application status here by inputting your last name, ZIP code, email address and the last four digits of your Social Security number.
— Capital One. After you submit an application, you’ll receive an email with a link to check your status or you can call 800-903-9177.
— Chase. You can check your application by calling 800-432-3117 or logging into Chase’s website.
— Citi. Check your Citi application status online.
— Discover. Call the Discover application status phone number at 800-347-3085 or check online.
[Read: Best Credit Cards.]
How Fast Can You Get a Credit Card?
Expect to receive your card in the mail within seven to 10 business days after approval. If you want to get your physical card as soon as possible, check with the issuer. “Issuers may provide expedited shipping for your card — sometimes for free and sometimes for a fee,” Detweiler says.
“Once you’re approved for a card, don’t be surprised if the account shows up on your credit reports even before you get your card,” Ulzheimer says. “The wheels of credit move quickly, especially in the credit card world, where it’s so competitive.”
Can a Credit Card Be Used Right Away?
When you’re instantly approved for a retail credit card, you may be able to use it right away. That quick turnaround is less common with other types of credit cards, but there are exceptions. “Some issuers may provide you with a card number you can use right away, even before your card arrives,” Detweiler says.
If you want immediate access to a new credit card, consider these options:
— American Express offers an instant card number to use in a digital wallet or online to eligible cardholders.
— After you’re approved for an Apple Card and accept your offer, you can use it right away through your Apple Pay digital wallet.
— You may be able to use a newly approved Bank of America credit card in a digital wallet before the physical card arrives in the mail. This option is open to authenticated and verified Bank of America customers who applied for their card via the issuer’s mobile app.
[Read: Best Credit Cards with High Credit Limits.]
How Quickly Can You Get a Secured Credit Card?
While it’s easier to get approved for a secured credit card, the process of actually accessing the card might take longer than it would for a conventional unsecured card. That’s because secured cards, which are targeted at people building or rebuilding their credit, require you to offer up a security deposit in case you default on the card.
Even if you are approved for a secured card immediately, the application won’t be complete — and the card won’t be shipped to you — until you submit the security deposit.
Most issuers require you to allow them to withdraw the security deposit from your bank account upon approval, though Detweiler says some issuers might give you additional time to fund the deposit.
[Read: Best Starter Credit Cards.]
What Happens if Your Credit Card Application Is Denied?
If your credit card application is denied, the lender will send a letter that explains why you were not approved. The Federal Trade Commission requires that the issuer let you know which credit report influenced its decision. If a credit score was reviewed as part of the decision, you’ll receive that information as well. You will be able to receive a free credit report so you can review the information and dispute it if needed.
“If you do get declined, you can try calling the issuer’s reconsideration department, where you may be able to provide additional documentation or an explanation that may help you get approved,” Detweiler says.
Most credit card issuers allow you to call them and ask for reconsideration.
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How Long Does It Take to Get a Credit Card? originally appeared on
Update 03/21/25: This story was previously published at an earlier date and has been updated with new information.